
Monday, December 30, 2013

Reflections of 2013

What a year! 2013 was the year I finally took control of my running and overcame my injuries!  It's been such an amazing year and I have gained strength, speed, and so much more...

(right I was typing...I spilled a full cup of coffee on my computer and it died. no. joke.) 

Ok, so...I was in the middle of this yesterday when it happened. My son was able to save what was on my hard drive but the graphics card and mother board have to be replaced, so I'm on my daughter's computer with my for-now-working hard drive.  By the way, I cannot survive without my computer!  I don't even know all my passwords to sites, my computer saves them all. I was in a panic yesterday.  

But, there's always a silver lining and while Dylan was working on my computer (and I was unsure if I would have any photos from my training this year other than what is saved here) I made this on my phone:

My Year In Running - 2013

This year has been so amazing!  I'm struggling to find the words (not the best blogger. LOL) but I will try with photos, because that's how I best express myself anyway! 

Favorite race: Glow Run
My favorite race had to be the one that was the most FUN!  I went to KS to meet up with an old friend who was running her first 5K.  We had such a blast!

Most challenging race: Heart to Heart 10K
This was my first 10K and I wanted a good time to submit to Disney for proof of time.  It was the first time I really felt like a runner and with the hills, it was challenging!  Dallas ran it with me, which made it even more special.  

 2013 PR: 5K
My 5K PR was unbelievably in the heat of summer and on a crazy-hilly-course.  I had to double-check a number of times to make sure they didn't do something wrong.  AND I did it in a tutu.  ;)  

2013 PR: 10K

On my raceversary, I ran the Bonehead 10K (the previous year the Bonehead 5K was my first official race) and got a 4 minute PR from the Heart to Heart 10K earlier in the year!  I was pleased to be able to send even better proof of time into Disney. More than that, I was really strong this race.  I had worried that I would lose some time being out for a couple months during the summer with my heel bursitis injury, but I felt great! AND, there was free beer...AND I placed 2nd in my age division!


I'm sorry, this is getting long again.  I can't seem to make shorty blog posts!  

I will finish up with my three favorite blog posts of 2013.  Running has given me so much this year, I feel like it's this amazing gift, not just for my health, but for my heart and soul.  Going back to read these was a good reminder of how much I have gained this year on this journey!

I Can't Be Tamed! 

Running Is Changing Me

Getting Personal 

Bring on 2014!!!  It will be the year I run my first half marathon!!


  1. I'm so sorry about your computer!!

    You did an awesome job this year with all your races and training! I love how you decided to show your favorite moments in pictures :) I think my favorite pic is the jumping one from the Glow Run!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I love that photo, it just captured how much fun and joy I get from running! ♡

  2. Love that Glow Run picture! Sounds like a great running year - hope 2014 is even better!

    1. Thanks Amy! It was a blast and I'm sure 2014 will be just as fantastic!

  3. Karen, you were one of the first blogs we started following this year and we are glad we got to follow your progress! Great job in 2013. You are SO ready for PHM, you're gonna rock it!

    1. That means so much to me Meranda & Lacey!!! Thank you so much for following me and putting up with my rambles this year! <3

  4. Karen, as the only male responding to this, I realize that I can't exactly say that I can relate to being teased as a young girl in school. But you wrote this post in a way that I can understand it. At the heart of the post -and these great replies- is the "why." Why do we run? I wrote a post about that a while back, and thought you might enjoy it.

    1. YES! YES YES YES! I just read your post and it was wonderful, so much I can relate to! Thanks for sharing it with me.

  5. Karen - you're an inspiration. That is all. Bring on the year of the half marathons!

  6. Congrats ! :) Can't wait to see what 2014 brings you!

  7. Way sorry about your computer, those things are always a scare. Hopefully he can get it all worked out for you!!!
    What a fun year you've had! I know you battled through an injury, and look at all those up's you've had, great races and good times with good friends and family! I hope next year is just as great, except no injuries to battle through.
    Actually, with your upcoming Disney race its going to be off to an amazing start!

    1. I hope so too Kristy and I hope the same for you! I'm still very paranoid with every little soreness I get b/c I'm terrified of anymore injuries! I hope 2014 brings lots of running for you!

  8. That Glow Run photo is so fantastic! It made me smile just to see it. You have had a great year and next year will be even better!

  9. Lovely look back at an amazing year! And just think about the great things coming in 2014! Happy New Year!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Karen! I'm so sorry about your computer. Must have been a complete hassle for you, what with all the passwords and everything that you have in there. I just hope that it gets fixed the soonest and that all your files are still intact. Good luck! :)

    Cicely Portner @
