
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Weekly Wrap-up with my longest run so far!

Sorry I have been letting the blog slide a bit, this is a really busy time of year for petsitting and with Rey home, family stuff, and fitting my runs get the picture.  I still need to do my 2013 year of running post too. The New Year is upon us!

So, I ran 9 miles today!! I ran 5 Monday on the TM, 4 outside the day after Christmas, and my long run today. I saved it for the best weather day of the week.  It was 57 degrees and sunny.  Perfect!

 Christmas Eve we went out looking at lights.  We sign cards from Santa & The Elves, telling people we liked their holiday decorations and leave them in mailboxes.   I love this tradition.  Not the best picture, but this pic makes me laugh because it's so US.  

Christmas was great, everyone had a nice day, even the pups.  They were far too excited with their stockings and then decided that EVERY gift opened must be something for them! 

Anyway, back to my run...

We had a great Christmas but as soon as it was over I started stressing over my 9 miler.  Poor Rey, I think I took it out on him.  I have just been crabby and worried.  I had a plan though.  Dallas met me after the first 6 miles to run the last 3 with me!  It was a fantastic idea because that last three I really needed the support. 

(this is where I whined and lamented about my run, pain, and chafing... and then deleted it!)

Dallas was a trooper and saw that I was struggling that last half mile and started holding up how many tenths of a mile we had left! Just the encouragement from him meant so much. It kept me going and really gave me a boost. I got in my head far too much after my run but this morning woke up feeling determined, so I deleted all the whining and excessive worrying!  I ran 9 miles!  I did it and I feel fantastic, and only a little sore this morning. 

In other exciting news this week, I paid off our trip for the half!  It feels so good to have that out of the way and now just able to focus on training and not worry about the money part of the trip.  Worry.  That seems to be a theme for me lately.  I gotta stop that!  I found this on pinterest this morning, it seems fitting...
Did you worry you couldn't do it?  What helped you push through these negative thoughts?  


  1. Sounds like you had a little attack of the "run-zillas". I always get crabby before a big race or a really long run if I'm not feeling confident about it. When I hit a hard spot in my run it helps to do one of two things...1. SLOW DOWN!!! Remember that long runs should be at a slower pace than your short runs. 2. I say to myself, often out loud "If it was easy, everyone would do it!". It is a reminder that it IS hard but the hard is what makes it worth it. You've got this! It's going to be awesome. Just visualize running down main street and through the castle and getting that awesome medal hung around your neck at the end! Awesome job on your 9 miles!!!

    1. Thanks twinkie! I was going so slow at the end! Lol. I felt like I was barely picking up my feet. Hoping this responds as me...on my phone since my computer is drying!!! It turns on but nothing happens...think I fried the graphics card!

  2. Congrats on the longest run! It's always a great accomplishment, and great that you had the extra motivation at the end =)

  3. Congratulations!! That's an amazing accomplishment :D I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish the Princess Half, but when I did and I constantly remind myself that I can do anything I put my mind to! I'm so glad you had a great Christmas. Can't wait to see you in a couple months!

  4. Congratulations!!! You did great! If if makes you feel any better, I struggled through 8 yesterday and I'm pretty sore today.

    I know I said this already, but yes, I worried so much about not finishing my first half that it took a lot of the joy out of the experience for me. You are doing great and there's no reason you won't finish!

    1. Thanks Jaime. I'm trying to let go of the negative stuff, it's really bizarre, running has been nothing but positive for me until I got to about 8 miles. I usually love running but these long runs have gotten in my head. I'll push through though, that's what I do! :)

  5. Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment! I tend to get stressed out before a big run as well, but I'm discovering it's really all mental. As for worrying that I couldn't finish a race, I just remind myself that finishing is something I really want and the only thing holding me back is my own worrying. :)

    1. Thanks Kim! My IT band is a bit sore today but I'm feeling more determined than ever! I'm glad I'm not the only one that worries.

  6. Congrats on your new mileage record!! The same thing happened to me this week actually! The prospect of running a new highest amount of miles is very intimidating and I know I was a little stressed out too. You are so right though, trying not to worry is important, because we CAN do this :)

    1. Lauren, it makes me feel so much better that I'm not alone in this and that other people go through the same thing! Sometimes I think I run other blogs and people make running 8-9-10 miles sound easy!

  7. WOW, congrats on the 9 mile run! And I love your family picture from Christmas Eve! I am also a worrier, a big one. It's something I'm working on in 2014. Keep up the great work, Karen!

    1. Thanks Jewell! I swear I'm always telling myself that NOTHING is gained by worrying. It either works out or not, but the worrying doesn't help. I need to remember that with running too and remember to find the joy that I usually do in running.

  8. So glad y'all had a great Christmas...and I LOVE the tradition with the notes from Santa/Elves! SO cute! Congrats on 9 miles...way to push through! I had many "I can't do this" thoughts while training for Goofy but I made it will as well, I just know it! :0)

    1. Thank you Karen! Going out on Christmas eve and giving out cards is something I actually did with MY parents! Years of tradition and now I do it with my kids. We love it! Thanks for the encouragement!

  9. I LOVE the Christmas cards for the lights! That is such a fun idea! You are definitely not the only one who stresses out about the long runs. I felt like a rock star after finishing 8 miles last week and like I could do anything but today I look at my training schedule (not much left!!) and get stressed at the idea of being able to run all of those miles and worrying if those miles are enough to get me through Princess safe and sane. Our brains really get in our way. We'll do this though, I have no doubt. One foot in front of the other, we'll do it! - Jess
