
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wide-angle Wednesday

Yep, I took a photo of my shoes for Wide-angle Wednesday.  They totally deserve a whole blog post b/c I'm running and with no heel pain!!!! I suspected that my minimal Brooks Pure Flows were aggravating my heel bursitis/achilles area and decided to go back to typical 10mm drop trainers. I chose Brooks Ghost 2 based on a bunch of research and reviews.  I had gone to the minimals to alleviate Plantar Fasciitis, so I was nervous (and still am a bit) about this switch, but I wanted to make sure that my heel/achilles issue was able to heal properly while still being able to run.  I'm a bit sad to not run in my Pure Flows, I really love them, but I've run twice in the Ghosts now with no pain and they feel great! I'm still keeping my mileage low because I can feel a tiny twinge in my heel sometimes when I'm not running and want to make sure I allow it to heal completely before my mileage starts going up for half training.  

In other news, today is 149 days until we leave for the PHM trip and the girls made a countdown chain yesterday.  It was fun, I added my long runs on it.  Even though 149 days does not sound like a lot, it looks like a lot more when it's in paper chain form!

How's your week going?  Have you ever had to change shoes because you felt your shoe was causing an injury? 


  1. I just recently switched to Newtons... took advice and slowly made the transition. I do like them very much.. I always liked my asics as well. I am enjoying them.. still working on getting more miles in. I look at it as getting more time in, for some reason that works better for my mind. who knows. Any way, good luck with the switch , sometimes we get caught up in what everyone else says, but is not quite good for us. We really need to learn to listen to our bodies and do what's right for them. Well done!

    1. Thanks Kathy! I had been wearing the minimal drop shoes for about 5 months but when I upped my mileage was when the injury came on. I haven't written them off totally b/c I really love the shoe, I'm hoping I can alternate them once my heel is totally healed and still use them for shorter runs. I definitely have found that I have to follow my own gut and body's responses to my running/training. Hard lesson to learn!

  2. I added a counter widget on my computer - seeing 150 days (and 15 hours!) makes me nervous and excited at the same time! Glad your new shoes are working out well

    1. Thanks Angela! Yep, it makes me nervous too...but once I saw how long our paper chain was, that made me feel a bit better! LOL

  3. That paper chain is so cute!!! My week has been busy busy busy and as you saw on Twitter this morning, my morning did not go well! It seems to have turned around so far! Tomorrow's Thursday, my favorite day of the week!

    1. I hope your Thursday goes better than your humpday Rachel! I have a complete day off today and you would think I would be happy about it but instead I'm already wondering what I'm going to do with myself. :p

  4. Oh my goodness 149 days!! Love your knew shoes, so glad they aren't causing you any pain! Yay!

    1. Thanks Karen and congrats on winning the metal display! I'm so jealous, especially when I saw KAREN and then realized it wasn't me, but you! LOL

  5. LOL I love that chain photo!! That is awesome!

    And the fact that your shoes are helping makes me so incredibly happy for you!

  6. I love the chain! I can't believe it's less than 150 days away!
    Glad the new shoes aren't hurting - I hope things continue to go well as you ease into things. - Jess

  7. So glad your new shoes are working out! Love the countdown chain the girls made. What a fun way to get ready for your trip! :)

  8. Love the shoes! And yay for no pain! I've had to change shoes several times because of injuries. It's so hard to find the correct shoe!

  9. Those shoes are awesome! I love, love, love the colors. I have some Brooks Ghost and love them. I got them because I was having a lot of pain in my shins and while the pain isn't completely gone, it's a lot better with these new shoes. :)
