
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekly wrap-up

I had a great week despite how I'm feeling today.  I woke up with a headache, not sure why, probably some poor food choices and not enough water.  In any case, it was another great week for me in terms of training!  Second week in a row that I actually could complete what I have down on my modified training plan.  I ran 10 miles total, which isn't a ton compared to this past spring, but it was pain free.  I have not done any cross training (I know, I know) mostly because right now I think I really need a full rest day in between runs.  Biking or other cross training still uses my heel and I want to take it slow still.  I'm ready to not be taking it slow but I shouldn't complain because I can run!

Monday - 30 minutes treadmill
Wedesnday - 3 miles treadmill
Friday - long run, 4 miles, outside with Dallas on the acorn train.  It had been a while since he had run more than 3 as well, so we took it slow.  Compression socks helped! 

The heel tenderness is still there if I push it a lot, but it's not painful and it doesn't hurt to actually run.  It just feels like it's pulling/tender a bit?  I'm having more of that this morning with it because yesterday I walked and stood around a lot. We had our favorite parade/festival of the year here, Celebration of Nations.  I wore the high clogs that help because my achilles/heel area is not stretched at all...but they are clogs, so not really comfortable on the feet.  It was a great day though, and I took hundreds of photos.  I thought I would share some on Wide-angle Wednesday, but I'll put a couple here too.  

We live in a rural area that is NOT culturally diverse at all.  The University started Celebration of Nations 4 years ago in an attempt to share and celebrate other cultures and I think it's a huge success...and like a candy store for a photographer!


I will share more on Wide-angle Wednesday.  Hope your weekend is going well, I know there were some races I'm excited to hear about and a friend in the UK that is actually running the Great Yorkshire run as I'm typing this.  Go Kelly!!


  1. Glad to hear your training is back on track! That festival looks like amazing fun!

    1. Thanks April! It was a lot of fun and my first Saturday of just fun & no work this YEAR. I usually have to work on Saturdays, so it was perfect to have a day off for this.

  2. That is sooooo cool! I love this idea! I can't wait to see more pictures. Congrats on the 4 miler too! I bet it feels great :)

    1. I took a LOT, so I'll post a bunch on Wide-angle Wednesday! Thanks, it felt so good, but I had to laugh when I kept looking at Dallas for the 2 mile turn around...I was like "really? We haven't gotten to 2 miles yet?" LOL

  3. Awesome! Love the pictures. Glad you are feeling better foot wise - hope your headache is better, too!

    1. Thanks Karen, I took some Aleve and don't have anything to do today, so it's already feeling better.

  4. Those are beautiful and colorful pictures!

    And adorable socks - where are they from?

    1. Thanks Lauren! The socks are compression socks from They can be pricey, but I found the 2 pair I have on clearance! They have them in colors too.

  5. Super cute running socks! Glad to hear everything is back on track for you. I know cross training is really hard to get in. I was advised to do it but thinking of spending time on the bike or elliptical just sounds like a snooze fest. Good for you for getting some of it in :)

    Pictures are beautiful, by the way. The little girl in the jean dress is just too cute!

    1. Thanks Alicia!! I got in some arm work this morning before my run, that's about all I can muster for cross training is some lifting.

  6. What a fun festival! Also extremely glad to hear you are running pain free this week!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I'm not feeling 100%, hard to put into words...kind of like I can't really be "ALL IN" but I'm still running and building, so I'm happy about it!

  7. Gorgeous pictures! Glad to hear the four miles went well! - Jess

  8. Glad to hear you are pain free, guess switching the shoes was what was needed. I'm so glad you were able to figure it out, before it caused you long term problems! As always your pictures are amazing! I love taking photo's but I am no where near your level, but in my mind I like to pretend I know what I am doing, LOL.. Happy running!!

    1. LOL...fake it til ya make it, right? Thanks, it's not totally better, but the shoes are really helping. I tried to put on my other shoes yesterday and immediately it felt wrong and off. Guess the new shoes are permanent now!
