
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekly Wrap-up and 9 miles

 No, I'm not nuts. It as 9 miles total for the week, not a 9 mile run.   My heel bursitis is a lot better, more each day, and running does not seem to make it worse!  Yay! I'm taking it VERY easy though, I do not want to be sidelined like that again and it's not 100% better yet.  I've also modified my half marathon training schedule.  I really need to learn from my mistakes and listen to my body.  Finishing The Princess is the goal right now, so I need to focus on that.  

Here's what I have, I would love some of my running friends to tell me what they think.  I took off the 4th day a week I was running, I think it was just too much for my body.  I also shortened Monday's run to just 30 minutes, which will translate to around 3 miles or a little less.   Long runs on Fridays.  I have a 10K the first weekend of November that I am working back up to.  After that I up my mileage and decided that bouncing around a ton does NOT work for me and I need to gradually add the miles so I don't injure myself again.  I did put a week that was less between 10 and 11 just to give myself a little break.  I'm also not going to do 13 until race day, I want the first time I go that far to be the same day I run down Main Street. 
 How does it look? 

When I look at it, it feels like "not enough" but I am also realizing that I tend to push myself just too far and too fast and that is how I end up injured.  I have plenty of time after the half to add a 4th day and run more...IF I don't injure myself.  I'm not going to stop running and there's no rush, so I need to keep that in mind and stop trying to run every single day and push my body beyond its limits. 

I have also been trying to figure out what CAUSED the injury, as I want to prevent it.  I believe my minimal shoes just were not enough support for longer runs, the pain started after my longest run of 8 miles.  The low drop was putting strain on my achilles and the heel bursitis was a result of that.  I have heel inserts right now in my shoes to lift my heel a bit and take some of the strain off my achilles, but these pretties will be making a debut this upcoming week.  More on that after I run in them and see how it goes!! 

All in all, I was happy with my week, especially since last week I didn't run at all.  I'm still nervous and cautious, which doesn't translate to really letting go and enjoying my runs as much as I would like.  I find myself worrying, focusing on if anything hurts, and stressing a little when running, but I'm OH SO HAPPY to be moving again!

Most of the time I see quotes and words of wisdom to runners to push themselves MORE.  Have you ever found that you actually have to push LESS?


  1. I've done the same thing to my training schedule. OK, I'll be honest, I threw my training schedule out and reverted to the basic Wine & Dine Galloway training schedule. That 4th day of running a week is what hurt my Achilles too, I am convinced of it! I wish wish wish I could run 6x a week, but my body just won't put up with it. So yes, I often find that I have to try hard to push less, especially with running. I'm just so stinking competitive with both myself and others.

    When I was training for Princess last year, I only got to 12.5 in training and I was fine during the race. Your schedule looks great! Glad to hear your heel is improving!

    1. Thanks April! Yep, I just get so competitive with myself and want to do more and more and more...but I think a little PATIENCE is in order. Training doesn't happen overnight, and I need to remember that.

  2. I think you made really smart choices on your training plan, and good luck testing out the new shoes! I hope they do the trick :) Get better SOON!!

  3. I think you made the right choice! This looks great. Can't wait to hear how your runs go this week!! My last run before princess was only 12 miles, 2 weeks before the half.

    1. Oh good. I might just do 12, we'll see. I wish I could run every single day but I think I need to build up to that. Sometimes I need to reign myself back a bit!

  4. I like your schedule...when overcoming an injury and training for a race, it's a matter of finding what works for you and rolling with it. I am glad your heel is feeling better! :0)

  5. I think you made a good choice. I originally had 4 days of running on my plan (with shorter distances than you) and it was too much. I felt like I wasn't getting in a good run because I was so tired and exhausted from so much running. Haha. Sometimes quality outweighs quantity. :) So glad your heel is getting better!

    1. It FEELS like I'm not doing enough, but my body is happy with me, so I guess I have to stick with what my body wants for now.

  6. I am so thrilled to hear your injury is getting better and not bothering you to run!!!! I am not a doctor, but I really do believe it was the minimal shoes, especially since with no additional medical treatment, changing the shoes has done the trick! Happy training my friend!!!

    1. Thanks Kristy! Yep, I'm afraid it was the shoes or at least pushing too far in the shoes. I hope you can get back to it soon as well!
