I had a great week despite how I'm feeling today. I woke up with a headache, not sure why, probably some poor food choices and not enough water. In any case, it was another great week for me in terms of training! Second week in a row that I actually could complete what I have down on my modified training plan. I ran 10 miles total, which isn't a ton compared to this past spring, but it was pain free. I have not done any cross training (I know, I know)
mostly because right now I think I really need a full rest day in
between runs. Biking or other cross training still uses my heel and I
want to take it slow still. I'm ready to not be taking it slow but I
shouldn't complain because I can run!
Monday - 30 minutes treadmill
Wedesnday - 3 miles treadmill
Friday - long run, 4 miles, outside with Dallas on the acorn train. It had been a while since he had run more than 3 as well, so we took it slow. Compression socks helped!
The heel tenderness is still there if I push it a lot, but it's not painful and it doesn't hurt to actually run. It just feels like it's pulling/tender a bit? I'm having more of that this morning with it because yesterday I walked and stood around a lot. We had our favorite parade/festival of the year here, Celebration of Nations. I wore the high clogs that help because my achilles/heel area is not stretched at all...but they are clogs, so not really comfortable on the feet. It was a great day though, and I took hundreds of photos. I thought I would share some on Wide-angle Wednesday, but I'll put a couple here too.
We live in a rural area that is NOT culturally diverse at all. The University started Celebration of Nations 4 years ago in an attempt to share and celebrate other cultures and I think it's a huge success...and like a candy store for a photographer!
I will share more on Wide-angle Wednesday. Hope your weekend is going well, I know there were some races I'm excited to hear about and a friend in the UK that is actually running the Great Yorkshire run as I'm typing this. Go Kelly!!