
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wide-angle Wednesday

Continuing with my Disney theme...and there's only three more WAW's until the race!!! *happy dance*

I thought I would go with a ride theme today!  I have a few favorites, Big Thunder Mountain,  Expedition Everest, Haunted Mansion...ok, I have a lot of favorites! LOL.  I think  Big Thunder at night is one of my all time favorite things to do.  Last trip Savannah and I rode it over and over at the end of the night, we kept running back around, rode it 4 times in thirty minutes. So much fun with my girl! 

and I love my EE! 

 and although I adore Rockin' Roller coaster once you get past the take-off, my stomach flips just THINKING about it.  Hate the take-off!  Do you see that blur there on the track?  That's it taking off.  Can't they make the ride without that part? ;)

What's your favorite ride at WDW?!?!  Oh and for those of you doing the PHM or GSC, did you get your bib number?  I was bouncing off the walls yesterday!!  #3554!  Cannot wait to see the corral assignments now. 


  1. What a fun post!!
    My top 3 rides at Disney World are: Rockin' Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Expedition Everest!
    My top 3 rides at Disneyland are: Indiana Jones, California Screamin', Tower of Terror!

    Test Track & Radiator Springs Racers are honorable mentions...cuz they are awesome too :0)

    1. Haha, you sound like me, I could list off about 20 "favorites"! I don't know how you do ToT though...I haven't gotten myself on it yet b/c I HATE drops. Not sure I'll ever do it! *chicken*

  2. I love Rockin' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror! I haven't been to Disney in sooooo long though that I don't remember a lot of the others! And I'm bib 25414 for GSC!

    1. Another ToT lover! Five trips and I just cannot get myself to go on. I really hate drops, I dislike Splash Mtn because of the drop and hate that feeling in my stomach, makes me feel sick. I just cannot believe that I would enjoy it, so I have been a chicken. *hangs head in shame* LOL!

      It's killing me that everyone I know is doing the GSC and I cannot tell if I'm in a corral with them b/c the numbers are different! I cannot wait until the corral assignments come out.

    2. It's soooo scary but I love the adrenaline! And I know, I wish they would just release the corrals now! It's super frustrating.

  3. I'm a fan of silly things like Slash Mountain and Mickey's Philharmagic...however, I do love a good rollercoaster and if I had to choose, I would say EE is my favorite! Great shots!
    Wow your corral must be close to the front, that's awesome! I don't know why Disney feels the need to put challengers at the very back...I'm bib number 20,000 something. Crazy!

    1. ALL the GSC numbers are in the 20,000's, I think they START at 20,000. I believe they will have a different corral chart and basically 20,000 is like 1 on the PHM chart. I think my number will have me in G or H based on them having corrals up to P and I'm really pleased with that. I just didn't want to accidentally be put in the last corral when I submitted time, I've seen that happen and was happy that there's pretty much no way I'll be in the last corral with 3554! :)

  4. I rode ToT in the dark after the 10-miler... SO SCARY and SO MUCH FUN!! Obviously, I love Ariel's ride ;) and I have only been on EE once, but it was SO FUN! I still haven't been added to the group so I don't know what my bib number is :(

    1. Rachel, try going here:

      If for some reason it does not work, try a day before or after your bday...there was a glitch and a lot of people's bdays were off by a day. Mine was.

  5. Every year I tell myself I am getting too old to do RR, TOT, and Space mountain, but every year I continue to do them, until 2013. I finally said that's enough! I'm gonna end up with whip lash or a back spasm!
    I am very curious to see how all this bib nonsense plays out with corrals. My mom submitted a 10K time of 58 min and her bib # is in the 6000's. I would think she should be in the 3000's with some of the other ladies who submitted time of over an hour or so. Just makes me wonder.

    1. Never too old! I swear last time I had to clench my teeth on EE because I felt like they were rattling. LOL. That 6000's sounds wrong for a 58 minute. Most people who I have seen under an hour have numbers smaller than mine, in the 2000-3000 range. I see on the FB pages that there are going to be issues with this. It was most what I was worried about, that they would not confirm my times (luckily I put one when I registered and then a better in October not only to move up but to ensure that SOMETHING was entered as proof. I see people are having issues with them fixing these things as well! I think that is unreasonable, I understand not wanting to do it at the Expo, but they should still be able to fix a mistake at this point?

  6. My favorites are Space Mountain and Tower of Terror

    I was scared to ride Tower of Terror too - I was expecting it to be like the Double Shot but it was much less intense and became one of my favorites immediately!

    1. Yep, I need to build up the courage, but I'm just not sure when that will be! LOL

  7. Picking a favorite ride at Disney World, is pretty much impossible! I did love Thunder Mountain, but I also love the skyline ride and tower of terror. Rollercoasters are always top on my list:)

    1. I know, it's nearly impossible! I start rattling them off and it ends up sounding like Savannah's favorite color: RAINBOW. ;)

  8. Only three more WAW's?!?!? Man, did that go quickly! Congrats on getting your bib!

  9. We did Thunder Mountain at night when we were at the Christmas party one year and it was so fantastic! Riding during the day has been a let down since that, honestly. I love Expedition Everest and Tower of Terror too (and the little kid in me loves the Haunted Mansion, because I still remember being genuinely thrilled/scared by it as a girl). 3 weeks! Ahh!!!

  10. The take off for Rockin' Rollercoaster always makes me a little sick. I've only done ToT once time at WDW and I was sick for HOURS! I haven't ridden it since...on either coast.
