
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Princess Half Marathon and Glass Slipper Challenge Corrals are up!

Crazyexcited today because RunDisney posted the Corral assignments and course maps for the Princess Half Marathon and Glass Slipper Challenge!! 

You can find your waiver with bib number by entering your info here: Waivers 

Then you can find your Princess Half or Glass Slipper Challenge bib number on the corral assignments:

Princess Half Corral Assignments

Glass Slipper Challenge Assignments

For those friends and family that follow me and don't really understand what this means, it's just where I will start the race.  There are 20,000+ running the race, so they section us off in "corrals" based on our speed so that we are running with people that run about the same pace.  It looks like I will be in corral "F", the sixth corral out of sixteen.  More importantly, it's "F" for FABULOUS!!  LOL

I'm thrilled with that mostly because of my knee issues.  If I need to go slower, I will have a bit of a buffer from when the last people leave the last corral.  Once those people leave the last corral, there is a 16 minute mile enforced and if you don't keep up, you are "swept" and taken on a bus to the end of the race, and don't get to finish. I feel like my corral placement will help ensure I don't have any problem getting swept, even if I'm crawling limping along by the end.  

I'm also pretty excited because a few of my running blogger friends are in my corral!  Yay for not being alone! (which I realized must have been a bigger fear than I initially realized).  

Those of you doing the Half or the Challenge, are you pleased with your corral placement?  I have heard some proof of time submissions were not honored and some were put in the back when they should not have been.  I hope RunDisney is going to fix those issues. 


  1. That race is my DREAM race... & my fear, when I do it, I'll be in the last corral & get swept... yikes!
    You're in a great corral - just far enough back, not at the end though.

    1. My dream race too, I can hardly believe it's nearly here! I spent the whole year training for it and ran two different 10K's so that I had a good time to submit for my proof to move up in the corrals. Being in the last corral though isn't the end of the world, you just have to maintain a 16 min mile. I have heard it's a big party in the last corral, a lot of fabulous princesses supporting each other! :)

  2. Good placement, Karen! Looking forward to your race reporting. I've been in the last corral. Not a problem. Tell anyone fretting to arrive with some time to spare and work her way to the front of the corral. Easy peasy. Really excited for you to have company in the corral.

    1. Thanks Ronda! I'm really excited as well, I was worried I would feel left-out of fun or lonely and I'm not the best at just striking up conversations with groups of random people. Having some of my running friends to meet really made me feel so much more comfortable!

  3. Glad you've got some company. I think when my boys are older we'll make a vacation out of one of these races. Until then I will read race recaps and be envious of all you princesses! Good luck. So excited for you!

    1. Thanks Meg! You MUST find a way to do one of the races in the future!

  4. So excited for you!! Wow, 16 corrals?! I don't think they had that many last year. I hope runDisney fixes any issues people are having!

    1. Yep, I'm hoping the extra corrals spread people out a bit more, I think it was fairly successful for Wine and Dine!

  5. AWESOME! I'm excited, too. I'll be in D. I was surprised by the number of corrals this year, but anxious to see if that helps with course crowding at all. Hope to see you there! :)

    1. I hope I get to meet you Jennifer! Princess will feel like a little training run after Dopey for you! :)

  6. Looks like all your hard work has paid off! I'm so happy for you!

  7. I'm in D!!

    Any chance you're doing race retreat? Would be nice to meet you :)

    1. I decided against the RR, wanted to save some money. Will you be able to go to the #runnerslove meetup at the Poly on Friday afternoon? I would love to meet you!

  8. I'm not sure they updated the time I submitted them, but either way, it'll be fun to be in the same corral :) I'm going to try and run my little tush off.... I just wanna beat my time from last year though! Getting really excited!!

    1. Even with the corrals smaller, I would have expected you to be up another 1 or 2. You are a speed demon! I would be shocked if you didn't PR from last year with all the training you have done this year!

  9. I'm in corral M and I'm super excited!!! M = Magical This is my first half and I'm just glad to have a bit of cushion between me and those lovely balloon ladies.

    1. M for MAGICAL!!!!!! You'll have a great cushion of time! I'm super excited too, I feel like I've waited forever and now it's here almost!

  10. I'm in H. I'm getting crazy excited. I hope I get to run into you! :D

    1. I hope so too Jaime! If you see me, you must just come up to me and tell me who you are. I'm horrible with names and tend to not pay attention to my surroundings very well. LOL

  11. F is for Fabulous, Fun, Friends and Finishing!! Yay!

    1. Ya know, F is just a Fantastic letter. (see what I did there?) LOL. I can think of a few more F-words too, one of them I use more than I should occasionally! Seems so fitting for me. ;)

  12. I'm glad you got a high enough corral for some buffer space! You're going to be great!

    1. Thanks Jess, I hope so! I have lost some real speed, nearly a minute, due to the knee issue! Walking breaks are helping but that slows me down even more. I'm not terribly worried about being swept because I can walk a 16 minute mile, but you never know!

  13. Hello Karen,
    I am in L and excited not to be in the last corral. Hopefully I will be able to stop for at least one or two pictures.

    1. L will give you a big cushion, I'm positive there will be time for a couple photo stops! I think you'll have around 15-20 minutes on top of the 16 minute pace! I'm still bouncing off the walls, I'm so excited!
