
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Is it Wide-angle Wednesday again already?!?!  Continuing on with my Disney themed WAW for the next 4 weeks until the race...

This one is a personal one and a perfect example of why I love Disney World so very much. I'm not sure I have talked about it on my blog, but my daughter Savannah has a severe social phobia. When she was younger she was actually selectively mute in front of most people, except for our immediate family.  (she was a complete motormouth to us! LOL) 

We found out in 2008, on our first trip to Disney World with friends, that Disney magic "cured" her of this a bit.  It wasn't totally gone, she cried when cast members tried to sing her happy birthday once, but there were moments that she was able to completely let go.  In this shot,  we walked up to get a photo with Thumper and  he grabbed her and started dancing! PURE magic catching this moment!    It's one of my favorite photos of her ever.

As for running this week, I'm still resting my knees but they feel much much better!  I am planning to do a test run of a mile tomorrow morning on the treadmill!  WOOT!

How about you?  Has the Disney magic ever surprised you or transformed you? 


  1. Disney is always magical for me :) It can instantly make anyone feel better. Can't wait to see you soon!

    1. 4 weeks from tomorrow Rachel!!!!! I swear, nothing exists when I'm in my Disney bubble...bills, stress...nothing, it's just gone. Poof! :)

  2. Aww seriously tearing up after reading that! And a great picture/memory too!

  3. I love this picture! And what a touching story! :) I didn't get the "Disney magic" thing until later in life even though I grew up loving Disney movies and dreaming of going to WDW. I completely fell for it though when my husband and I took our first trip to WDW two years ago.

    1. Thanks Jewell! I never went to WDW as a child, my first visit was when my daughter was 7, so I immediately saw the magic in HER REACTION to everything. It was awesome.

  4. I love this picture! Simply adorable! I don't believe I have ever seen Thumper before!

    You should link your WAW posts up with Deb at Focused on the Magic for her Wordless Wednesday posts! Although they are never wordless, i've been linking up a few time. I'm writing this on my phone now or else I would throw you the link (sadly I don't know how to do that kind of stuff on this magic phone of mine) but her info is posted at the end of my post today if you want to join. She usually has a theme, but it's real relaxed!

    1. Good idea! I'll try to figure it out, I really am a babyblogger and have very little idea how to link or do much. LOL. Thumper was over in the meet and greet area at AK...near the Lion King show. I know they have closed it now, so I'm not sure if you can find him anymore! Miss Bunny was with him! (his sister, I think).

    2. Don't worry, i'm just learning how to do the link ups and blog hops too ( and I am the least tech savvy person). Deb's link ups are all Disney themed, that's why I thought you would like it!
      Oh, and I never knew miss bunny was thumper's sister. I guess it has been a decade or two since I've seen the movie Bambi!

    3. Now I'm second guessing myself and thinking Miss Bunny is his girlfriend? LOL...I don't know...she's somebody! ;)

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Sarah! I thought so too, but I'm a bit bias. ;)

  6. What a cute picture! It's amazing what Disney can do :0) It always has been and will always be the most magical place on earth! Disney always transports me back to that childhood mentality where nothing matters but enjoying the moment you are in!

    1. Yes, Disney is the epitome of living in the moment! When I'm there I just enjoy everything and have no worries!

  7. What a sweet picture! I love feeling the Disney magic as an adult, but there is something extra special about seeing it through the eyes of our children, isn't there?

    1. Yep, I think it's almost even MORE magical to see it through their eyes. :)

  8. Great picture, and even better story that went with it! Disney is a magical place! I'm glad to hear your knee's are doing better, good luck on your treadmill run!!

    1. Thanks Kristy! I got it done and forced myself to stop when I wanted SO BADLY to keep running! The right knee was a little sore but I taped it and wore a brace and it seems ok this afternoon. In about 4 days I'm going to try for 2-3. Babysteps!

  9. That's such an awesome story! Love hearing all the ways Disney magic works into people's lives.

  10. That is such a magical story and I love that photo!! Keep babying that knee! Princess is coming and we're going to have a great time! I am not really comfortable socially with new people, so if I act weird at first, chalk it up to my own social anxiety!

    1. We can be weird and awkward together April. ;) I ordered a freaking foam roller and have been using a tennis ball on my's helping the knee!

  11. This picture is fab :)
