
Sunday, January 19, 2014

If You Can't Fly...

Perfect timing! Leave it to MLK to have just the right words.  Fitting for almost anything in life, yes?  

 I will keep moving forward and to do that, I am having to regroup and rest a bit.  My self-diagnosis (b/c you know I like to play a doctor on the interwebs. LOL) is runner's knee.  I had it many years ago when I first started to try and run and I quit because of the pain.  Not this time! This time I rest and recover...then keep moving forward.

I found a really helpful article at Running on Empty  that not only gave me some good suggestions, but gave me HOPE!  I'm not going to run for a week or so and then I will see how I'm feeling.  I believe my 10 mile run last week will be my longest before the half.  I risk injuring myself more if I try to do another long run in the next few weeks.  I'm hoping to get in some short runs and maybe up to 7 or 8 miles before the race but I'm going to go by what my knees tell me.  Everything I have read says that running on them will only make it worse, I have to let them heal first and then trust my training.  

I ordered a couple of these for when I can run:

 and also some Glutamine, which is supposed to help in recovery.  

I'm definitely hopeful right now, what else can I be?  I know that the next five weeks are not all that matters.  What matters are the months and months of training I have put in.  I believe that I will be able to do the miles, I just need to make it to the race healed up and not injured.  That's the plan.  

In other race news, I'm superduper excited that my costume is nearly done!  It's actually at the seamstress right now, she is connecting the petticoat to the race shirt (the shirt was riding up a bit, I thought this would help) and sewing on the ruffles on the shoulders.  I am wearing my Sparklebottoms under the skirt since I cannot live without my Sparkleskirt pockets!

Aaaand, to make things even more exciting around here, our Mickeymail came yesterday!  I cannot believe it's so close now, we leave in 33 days!

 Congratulations to all of the Tinkerbell 10K & Half Marathon runners this weekend!  I loved following your races and seeing all the pics. You can fly!!!

So who ran Tink and is running the PHM for their Coast to Coast? So exciting!!! Do you have your costume picked out?  Going as a Princess or something else?!?!  Tell me! Tell me!


  1. Perfect quote for me today!! I hope that knee feels better soon, sounds like you have a great plan and your outfit is ADORABLE!!!

    1. I was thinking it was fitting for you too! Are you wearing tiara blue for your Cindy outfit? What kind of top are you wearing?

  2. I'm doing Anna for the 10k and Elsa for the Half!

    1. Oh that is going to be so cute!!! I have heard so much about the movie but haven't been able to see it. I wish they would just release it on DVD!

  3. You are right, trust your training. I was so nervous before one of my full marathons because I hadn't run anything longer than 13 miles in 3 months (when I became injured). However, race day went fine and all was ok! Take the time you need and let it heal. Your costume is adorable, by the way! :D

    1. Thanks Karen! It's a mental game I keep playing in my head...over and over reminding myself that it will be fine and convincing myself to rest. LOL

  4. Great costume! I am all too familiar with runners knee ( now I have a different knee problem I am trying to work through). Runner's knee usually means you have weak quad muscles and your knees can't support it. While you are resting trying doing some leg strengthening exercises. Leg lifts with weights maybe. After my runs in the park, I go over to the picnic tables and step up on the bench seat about 15 times per leg. This is my post race ritual to make sure I'm still working on my leg muscles. I haven't had that type of knee pain since. I remember it use to get so bad that I couldn't even squat or kneel on the floor. I remember going through this so I just wanted to share ( sorry this post got long)! Hope this helps!

    1. Yes! Totally helps Meranda! I've been reading up on exercises I can do. I think this bout just came on because of overuse, so I'm hoping the rest and quad strengthening helps!

  5. The comment above from Fairytales and Fitness is spot on! I've heard of runners who after they start adding the leg lifts, getting rid of runners knee in a few weeks or less. They key is start adding the strength training after your out of the pain zone.
    I don't have runners knee, but I've had torn cartlidge in one knee for years, but as long as the muscles are strong around it, I never even can tell there is a problem there.
    Listen to your body and it will tell you what you are ready to do:) If your still struggling come race week, visit a Dr. and get a cortizone injection about 2-3 days before the race, and you'll likely be pain free for the run and can enjoy it! Love the costume, so cute!!!

  6. That quote is perfect. I've never seen it before! Put it somewhere you can see it and remind yourself that it'll all be okay while we're waiting for the race (less than 5 weeks). I can't wait to see your costume in person! It's looking great! - Jess

  7. Great MLK, Jr. Quote :0)

    I hope your knee heals quickly and fully. Love your Cinderella costume SO much!!

  8. did you run in that petticoat for any distance? if not, make sure to put some body glide inside your forearms just in case you get some rubbing on the actual race day!

    1. No issues with arm chafing at all Amy...I'm so long in the torso, my arms are nowhere near my tutu/peticoats when I wear them! I'm actually not going to wear the sparkle shorts as planned, I put my workhorse black silk sparkleskirt under the petticoat and it's perfect. Not only have I trained in it, it helps poof the petticoat out a bit. Perfect!
