
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WAW ~ Cookieday!

 Just squeaking in tonight with wide-angle Wednesday!  It was a super fun day, I'm just sitting down finally.  Every year my sister and my mom come out to make cookies.  My sister makes a ton of cookies to give as Christmas gifts, but this one kind, she prefers I help with because I'm a master at rolling out the dough without it sticking.  So, she makes the dough and drives 100 miles to my house so I can roll them all out.  In return, I get some cookies.  Works for me! We make a day of it as there are hundreds of cookies.  She brought 8 batches and it took about 5 hours to roll and bake them.  I have my special rolling pin and my Minnie Mouse apron, naturally.  I'm covered in flour after five minutes.  What can I say, I'm messy, but I get the job done!

My mom is 81 years old, I really cherish this day each year.  Don't mind me looking all disheveled, I had just made hundreds of cookies and pulled my ponytail out. 

Tomorrow is even more cookie fun because these things all need to get decorated!  I have a PLAN though, people.  I've invited all of Savannah's friends over to ice & decorate the cookies and then spend the night.  Genius, I know.  

Since this is a running blog, I guess I should mention that I didn't have time to run today with petsitting and cookies, but I'll get my run in tomorrow while the girls are all decorating the cookies!  For now, I'm off to enjoy this... 

Do you have special traditions this time of year that you do with family or friends?


  1. Sounds like so much fun, and that picture of you in your apron is SO cute! I love baking cookies!

    1. Thanks! It's a lot of fun and I look forward to it every year.

  2. How can your mom be 81 years old?! SHE LOOKS FABULOUS! I LOVE your Minnie Mouse apron... it's so cute :)

    During Christmas time, my mom loves to take us and drive around and look at Christmas lights (even though we're all "old" now) and my dad ALWAYS reads us "Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve. It's a nice little tradition to have.

    1. Ahhh! We used to go out every Christmas Eve to look at lights. We also would take extra Christmas cards and write "We like your lights/Christmas decorations!" and put them in people's mailboxes for the houses we liked the best. So much fun.

  3. I am horrible at roll and cut cookies! I don't have the patience for it I think. It's my goal this holiday season to get the hang of it! Yours look gorgeous.

    1. Thanks! I have no idea how I don't have problems with it, it's always just been easy for me...and that's where it stops. I have no talent in the kitchen otherwise and hate to cook/bake! LOL
