
Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving, and work, and Birthday's, oh my!

You've had those weeks, right?  It's really a big blur and I'm struggling to get back to normal here.  We went to Catching Fire on Wednesday, LOVED IT naturally!  Thanksgiving was very very busy with petsitting, I tried to take on too much and got stressed.  Friday Savannah got sick and I followed soon after.  It was a functional cold/sick at least, so I could luckily still work!  

Yesterday was Rey's birthday!  We didn't get to do a lot with my work schedule, but we had time in between my petsits to watch some movies, which Rey loves to do, so that was nice.  This man seriously is a gem, I can't even begin to put into words how lucky I am to have him.  He just seems to get better with age.  He's my biggest fan and my best friend. 

I got all three of my training runs in for the week, although my longest run scheduled was 4 miles because I knew I would be busy.  I'm feeling a little nervous as the days tick down and the miles go up!  I have a seven mile run at the end of this week, it's been a while since I've run 7, but I'm not terribly nervous about it since I've done it before.  Come back when I go for 8 or 9 in the coming weeks and that may be a different story! 

When I ran Saturday morning, I realized how much I depend on running to keep me centered and stress-free now.  I was so tired and stressed, but as soon as I got out there, it all melted away.  So...crazy busy week, but sometimes busy isn't so awful.  Unfortunately, Rey has to head back out, and he won't be back until Christmas.  Luckily he'll be home for a bit over Christmas/New Years because I feel like I barely saw him this weekend! 

I put up our tree as well during this craziness!  I'll have to take pics for WAW.  I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend.  I know some of my runner friends had races, I'm enjoying the recaps already!  Congrats to my twinkie, April, for a PR on her half!  (although in this aspect, not so much twinkies!  Those negative splits look speedy!)

How did your holiday weekend go?? Did you race?  Do you put up your tree?  Shop?  Travel? 


  1. Last week was a huuuge blur for me too lol. So glad you enjoyed Catching Fire! I cannot wait for the third one now!

    Happy Birthday to Rey!!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I'm actually worried that I won't like the third one because I had forgotten what happened until I saw Catching Fire...then it all came back to me!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to Rey ( glad you found such a gem)!

    Hopefully you are on your way to feeling better. Being under weather during the holidays is not fun, especially when there are so many things that need to be done ( and of course we feel WE are the only ones that can do them, right?)

    We also went to see Catching Fire and I have to say I was a little disappointed. I expected more from the ending, but I suppose that's what they needed to do to keep the fans wanting more and to make sure they come back for the third one! Have a great Week Karen!

    1. I read the books over a year ago, so I had forgotten some things and then was reminded of others. I'm not sure I actually like knowing what is going to happen. I think it might be more enjoyable if I hadn't read them! I head the third book will be two movies, so that should be interesting.

  3. I know what you mean about running clearing your mind - it was my salvation during the stress of dealing with travel and family over the holiday! Hope you're feeling better soon! - Jess

  4. Thanks for the shoutout! I really want to see both Catching Fire and Frozen (funny to read them right next to each other!) but it's hard to get a sitter to sneak out for a movie, so I may have to wait for the DVDs for both. Happy belated birthday to Rey! And I hope you guys are all over your cold and feeling better! Just keep believing you CAN do it and you WILL do it on your running. :)

    1. We rarely go to movies, not b/c of the sitter, but the cost! There are so many that I want to see this year though. Frozen is on our list as well, but The Hobbit as well and then Rey wants to see Enders Game. For a family of 5 (all considered adults) it can be pretty pricey!

      Thanks! I do believe I can do it as long as I don't push so hard that I injure myself. BALANCE. It's something I'm constantly striving for!
