
Friday, May 3, 2013

TUTU Friday and a rest day

A MANDATORY rest day for me.  I'm grounding myself!  I know this is a common theme in my blogging, talking about overdoing it, but what can I say?  I overdo it and then I have to self-talk myself into resting.  I ran or worked out all week and yesterday it caught up with me.  I felt overworked, sore, and like I was about to come down with something.  Time for a rest!  It's the perfect day to rest, actually, since we are having record low temps today for May, coldest in recorded history...and rain/snow.  It's crazy!

What better to do on a rainy mandatory rest day?  Look at tutus, naturally!

 No, seriously.  LOL.

Who knew that running would allow me such an array of costumes and general silliness?!!  I think I would have started long ago if I knew that I could run in glowing tutus and princess costumes.

I'm shopping for tutus because I'm signing up for the KS 5K Glow Run at the end of June!

It's not timed, just purely for massive amounts of fun, and we intend to have some!  WE, meaning my friend Lora and I.  Lora and I go way back to when our girls were just wee babes.

We met on the internet and the first time we met in person, our girls were just 3 years old. (actually, looking at the July date on the photo, Savannah was still 2!)   

and I had BLOND hair!  

We live 4 hours from each other, so it was another year...and another hair color before we met up again!  I'm on the left, Lora is on the right.  Ironically, Lora now has blond hair. I think we finally have settled on our colors, but stay tuned...

That was the last time we saw each other, in  2004!  Our friendship drifted for quite a few years but when we found each other again, imagine my joy when I found out we were both involved in being fit and both starting to run.  Lora and I are not only going to run the KS Glow Run, that is just our test-race because Lora is going to WDW and running the Princess with me in 2014 as well!  I'm so crazyexcited about this!  What is more fun than dressing up, wearing tutus and pushing yourself beyond your physical limits?  Doing it with a friend!

and apparently the tutu love runs in the family...our girls are 12 now but they could rock the dressup too.  Like mothers! ;)

Forgot to add my question!  Do you like to dress up for races?  What's your favorite fun thing to wear at a race?


  1. Ray and I did the glow run and loved it. I made us matching tutus for a fraction of the cost of buying one, and i threaded glow sticks in there. you can see them at

    1. AMY!!!! Those were awesome!!! OMG, it looks like you had so much fun! I wish the course had been nicer for you, but loved reading about your glow run!

  2. I would just like to say that Friday's should always and forever be considered mandatory "off" days :)

    1. I think you are right Lauren, although sometimes I do my long runs on Friday instead of Saturday b/c I work more on the weekends than the weekdays!

  3. I just wore green shorts and a purple tank to convey my love for Ariel during the princess half, but I think I'm going to wear a tutu for the Tower of Terror 10-miler and then maybe for the Princess Half! Check out my friend Brooke's etsy store for some cute handmade (custom) tutus! She's so awesome!

    1. Oh I follow Brooke's blog! I thought I remembered something about one of the bloggers I follow starting a Etsy business with tutus, I didn't realize it was her! Great prices too! I didn't think I would go the tutu route, thought it might not work on my hips, but I decided to try it out. If I like it, I'll do a tutu for the Princess as well! If not, there's always Sparkle Tech! :)

  4. Tutus! Love running in tutu's! The night race sounds like a ton of fun!! Enjoy your rest deserve it. Enjoy the beautiful weather, too! :0)

    1. Thanks Karen! I have never worn one, certainly not running, but I figured this was a perfect test-run for the Princess. If I hate it, then I won't wear one for the half! If I love it, then I might just have to stock my wardrobe full of them! ;)

  5. Very good that you listened to your body and are giving it some rest. And dressing up is one of the most fun rituals of racing. I look forward to it every time!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm feeling much better after a day off.

  6. OMG! LOOK AT SAVANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cute Karen.

    It's hard to get off how cute she is but if you are someone who likes to go go go with workouts - have you ever considered a two day off - I know that might seem counter productive to go go go but Jean and I always find that you feel like a powerhouse on the day back. And that way you can do five or six in a row. Just a thought.

    LOOK AT SAVANNAH!!!!!!!!!! Laughing.

    1. Y'know, that's a thought Lisa, I might consider that! Heehee...isn't she too cute? It HURTS MY HEART to look at these baby is a big girl now!

  7. Dressing up for a race for the first time for Dumbo, but I think it'll be fun! I really want to wear a tutu, but I'm nervous about how it would hinder my performance.

    1. The only thing about a tutu that I'm worried about is that it will irritate my arms and scratch them. I'm glad I'm trying one out for the 5K so I'll know if it's something that will work for me during the Princess! I want to see pictures of your Dumbo costume!

  8. I love tutus! They are so much more fun to run in. :)
