
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Wrap-up

I should probably call it Sunday hangover but more about that later...

My week was pretty good, maybe even a bit too good. By Friday I made myself rest because I felt like I had pushed it too much and my knees and feet were hurting.
 Monday- Rode 9+ miles of hills with Rey in a little over an hour
Tuesday- Ran 3.1 tempo run
Wednesday- Ran approx. 3.5 miles but didn't time or log distance (#runfree4me challenge)
Thursday- Cross training, used the weight machines at the gym on arms and legs, bike for 15 minutes and elliptical for about 8  minutes before I realized I was just too tired and sore and pushing my limit.
Friday- Mandatory rest for me!
Saturday- 5.37 miles in 60 minutes on the TM. Followed by copious amounts of wine...see below!
Sunday- another rest, this time alcohol induced.  ;)

Yesterday my BFF and I went to Sip-n-Savor, possibly the only cool yearly event in my little town of 4000.  It's a wine & beer tasting even for the local Wineries in Missouri.  I got my run out of the way in the morning because I thought I might not feel like a run today.  I was correct!  It was a fantastic run, in case anyone is wondering.  5.37 miles in an hour.  I was stiff starting out and my knees were a bit sore, but it was a nice long run for me.  Dallas ran as well and seemed to have a good run.  I was really happy for him that he pushed past whatever has been holding him back!

 But I digress...back to wine!

My house is about .5 mile from Main Street where the event was being held, so my BFF, Hope, came to my house and we walked up to town.  It was unseasonably cold for May, but we warmed up quick, I ended up putting my coat in my bag 20 minutes after we arrived.

For $20 you get a wine glass and you go around town to different businesses that host different wineries.

This is Main Street of my little town:

We had a fantastic day, tried lots of different wines

We took the free shuttle around to one of the wineries and a few other businesses that were doing tastings and met some really fun people.   We even tried some beer from the beer tent...yep, that's beer in our wine glasses! Apparently (according to Hope) I must have been flirting to get one of the beer servers to give me a whole bottle of beer.  I didn't even ask, he just handed it to me! LOL

You can tell we've had a bit compared to the first picture!  


So much fun, but oh my body cannot take drinking anymore.  I don't know if it's my age or what, but I'm glad this event is just once a year because I may not want another drink until then!  Hopefully I'll be back to feeling normal tomorrow when the new week starts back up! 

Do you feel like as you get older you can't really drink alcohol?  Do you have any fun yearly events in your home town that you look forward to each year?


  1. So much fun! I'm good today- the alcohol doesn't bother me as I get older as long as I get plenty of rest! Sometimes I'll feel hungover just from lack of sleep, lol!

  2. I'm only 22, but I drink a lot on the weekends. Oops :/ it's actually one of my biggest vices, but since I'm in grad school, I figure I might as well get my partying out of the way now before I have to enter the real world! I do find that Sundays I am incredibly exhausted after going out Thurs-Sat.

    1. I say enjoy while you can Rachel! LOL! I used to be able to bounce back the next day like nothing, I laughed in the face of a hangover...never got them. I don't know if it's age or what, but you should party when you want to party! :)

  3. I've switched from my long island iced teas to beer or wine in the past couple of years. I think it's less of my body not being able to handle it, but more my brain telling me I have to be up early to go to work/get things done. There's no time to sleep off a hangover! lol ;)

    1. Yep, I have noticed I just don't want to have a drink lately b/c I'm worried about how it will effect (affect?) my run the next morning!

  4. Looks like so much fun!! I am 25 and already I can't drink much anymore lol! If I ever do it's usually only as a treat on Saturday nights and only if I got a good long run in that day!

    1. are in trouble if you already can't drink much at 25! ;) I'm finding I cannot even really have a drink or two without getting pretty dehydrated, so it just isn't as fun anymore.

  5. I almost never drink anymore for this reason- I just can't bounce back. I almost always drink in moderation so there is no lingering effects......... one of the swell perks of getting older. :)

    1. (in my best whiney voice) It's just not FAIR! Shouldn't we get to drink MORE as we get older? LOL

  6. Oh man, to this I can relate! It takes me at least two days to feel "right" after some heavy drinking. It's more of the dehydration aspect for me. It just makes me feel so sleepy!

    Looks like it's a fun event though!

    1. That's what it is for me, dehydration. I was drinking water like crazy but it just only helps so much when I overdo it. Shew, Rey offered me a beer tonight and I told him it's going to be a while before I want another drink! LOL
