
Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Great Race Shirt Debate!

Ran a 5K this morning with my son!  We both had PR's...kind of...but let me leave that craziness for the race recap tomorrow!

You may want to sit down...So, this is us.  In our RACE SHIRTS.  Yep.  The tech shirts they gave us last night when we picked up our packets. 

Ok, so don't stop following me just yet!  I'm seriously not a horrible person!  Let's back up a bit.  I had my race day outfit pretty much figured out, although I was slightly worried that my sleeveless tank was going to be pretty chilly in 49 degrees.  We showed up for packet pickup and to my surprise, they were tech shirts!  Cool! I didn't really expect that since first off, this was a TINY race.  Seriously.  Think as tiny as you can get and then think even smaller.  ;)

Dallas said he wanted to wear his shirt and I thought about it for a moment and decided it would be really fun to support this local non-profit group for children of inmates by wearing their shirt to their race.  It wasn't cotton, after all, and I thought that this was the main reason that people did not wear race shirts to races.

Little did I know until I got home, and started doing some research, that this is not only a horrible offense, but people get REALLY upset about it.  Like REALLY upset.  I am terrified to even post this because I'm guessing I will lose readers for choosing to wear this race shirt.

So, first let me explain why I chose to wear my race shirt this time (and probably would not for most others).  First off, this was a tiny race.  I live in a town of 4000 and this was in the town of 19,000 next to us.  It's the biggest town for 100 miles.  I'm not even doing my 10K out here, I'm driving into Saint Louis, because they rarely if ever have 10Ks.  Anyway, they said 60 people were registered.  So this is how my thinking went:

This is a tiny 5K, it's not timed, it's for a small local charity for children of prisoners.  We want to support them and this would be a good way to show our support.  I'll admit, the 2nd reason was that I'm pretty sure there will never be a race that I will match Dallas.  How often do you get to have a match-match picture with your nearly 18 year old son?  Here is a picture of people lined up to start at this race.  Almost everyone was wearing the shirt, btw.  Sure, it makes them look like noobs (according to someone on a debate I was reading) but isn't everyone a noob at some point?  Shouldn't people coming out to support a charity wear the charity shirt?
(there were a few more people after this, but this was basically the gist of the race.)

So, I can hear you now saying it's superstitious and what if something happens and you break your ankle???  Here's the thing.  It's not a FINISHERS shirt.  Somewhere back in history, these shirts were meant to be worn or they wouldn't give them out before the races.  They would give them out at the finish.  If I break my ankle, the shirt will remind me of STARTING the race and doing my best.  I don't really see race shirts in that way though.  Medals, sure!  They give them to you for finishing, at the end.  I totally understand that.

In any case, I doubt I will do it again only because I prefer to wear my tighter sleeveless tanks that show off my tattoo.  ;)  I thought it would be fun for something small like this and I do think that anyone should be able to wear what they please in a race,  race shirt included, but that's just my (very rare and unpopular opinion)  LOL.

I hope that this isn't something that would make you not read my race recap or get super angry about, hopefully my explanation will show the other side of this debate.  I want to know your opinions though, it's always important to me to hear everyone's perspective on things that bring out hot debates!

Included in tomorrow's race recap:  Dallas taking off like wildfire and leaving me, crazy hills, and is this a 3.1 mile race or a 3.01 mile race??? 

Let's hear it!  Does it make you insane when people wear the race shirts?  Do you not care?  What is your opinion on this hot topic! 


  1. To each his own! I don't wear race shirts because I like to wear shirts that are as light as possible because I usually just run in my sports bra and compression shorts, so I don't want to wear anything too heavy or bulky. T-shirts also fit me strangely, even if I get the smallest size. I definitely saw people wearing their tech shirts at the princess half, no big deal to me!

    1. Rachel, I realized looking at the pictures that I just didn't like the way the tech-shirt fit me anyway! LOL! I wear fitted tanks always and they flatter my shape more I think. Tomorrow when I post the race recap, you will see what I mean!

  2. Oh my gosh. I completely 10000% agree with you, no matter what I will never wear a race shirt at a race. I don't know why, but I can't fathom it. Whether it is a tech shirt or not. I completely support your opinion. Plus, show that tat off girl! :)

    1. Well, it's definitely not something I will probably do again b/c why did I get a gorgeous tattoo on my shoulder if I cannot wear razorback running shirts to show it off! LOL! I might feel differently about the race shirts for longer races, I don't think I will ever wear one for a "official race", but today was really just for fun.

  3. Really? People get upset at this???

    1. Yep! From what I have read, it's different for different people: superstition for some, etiquette for some, personal preference from others. I get that there are different opinions, just not how people can get really upset about what someone else is wearing. *shrugs*

  4. Okay, first, now I really need to read back and see this tattoo! :) And second - I agree with the not wearing the shirt people but am not quite so militant! It's my thing and other people can do their thing. :)

    1. Hey, I just added the link to my post about my tat! Here it is:

  5. Personally, I dont care whether *you* or anyone else wears the shirt. I wont, and my friends and I might giggle at our other friends who decide to... otherwise, we would just assume you are a noob and didn't know any better. But your choice is up to you. If you were here, we would have done our best to try to talk you out of it, and might tease you a bit, but in the end, it is your choice.

    Sometimes for the really small events, I think it might be nice to wear one of the shirts they give out, but they are usually cotton, and I cannot wear cotton when sweating anymore.

    people say not to wear them because of superstition, i am not superstitious, but I do follow this mentality. I also wont try it on before the race (the one exception being when i am working promotions for a bigger race and i have to wear the shirt for the race at events, but i always get a new one with my packet pickup and that one doesnt get worn until after).

    I *have* however, taken to changing into my race shirt at my car at the finishline so we can go out to eat... and if its a mudrun, I always wear the shirt after the "bath" at the end.

    1. Oh I cannot wear cotton either, no way with the way I sweat!

      I guess it's no big deal, I have been teased my whole life for being overweight, so being teased for a shirt isn't the end of the world.

      I guess what bothers me about the whole thing is that I thought that runners were different...that everyone was accepted and embraced because they were TRYING and it didn't matter what you looked like, what you wore, or how slow you were. I guess runners are human after all! ;)

  6. I understand it being odd when people wear their "I did it!" shirts before or during the race, but the regular shirts race shirts I think are fine. At the DL 1/2 last year, my hubby wore the tech shirt we all got and I bought a women's one to wear. In my mind, it's the race I'm currently running, so why not? Plus it helps to figure out which year our pictures are from later on. ;)
    I agree that the shirt commemorates you starting something and the medal marks the finish.
    I'm still baffled that some people get in a fuss over this. It's a shirt. I'm sure they could think of more offensive things to wear. ;)

    1. LOL...totally right about the pics! I realized yesterday when thinking about it that what bothered me so much about this wasn't the arbitrary superstition, but the JUDGEMENT going on about it. Runners pride themselves in supporting everyone and accepting all who get out there and try, but I come to find out that it's not totally true and it seems a little petty and mean. I was actually really afraid to blog about it for fear that I would lose readers. I'm glad I did though b/c it made me think through what was really bothering me and identify the real issue. It's never a bad thing when you learn more about why you think the way you do! :)

  7. I wore the race shirts for the two color runs I have done but not for any serious races. I think it's ridiculous that it annoys others, who cares if someone else decides to wear the race shirt?!

    1. I was thinking about color runs too just b/c why buy a white shirt to get ruined with color when they give you one! Thanks for responding, I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one that thinks this superstition is strangely judgmental.
