
Friday, April 5, 2013

Favorites Friday

Since I'm being good and still resting today (running tomorrow instead to give my calf one more day to recover) I thought it would be fun to do a Favorites Friday post.

I'm sure you cannot tell from this blog, but I'm a photographer.  I wanted this blog to be about running, so I haven't really talked a ton about my photography, but it's a huge part of my life.  I love capturing moments and memories with my camera.

If you are interested in seeing more of my photography, you can visit my Website or my Facebook business page at Portraits & Paws Photography.

I purposely have not posted a lot of my photos taken with my camera and have actually enjoyed not having to worry about posting the "perfect shots" on this blog.   I wanted this blog to be all about my running, so it's somewhat freeing to let myself not worry about the quality of the photos that I'm posting.   Besides...I cannot really run 5 miles while holding my dslr! ;)

Maybe it's the nature of both my businesses, but since I'm a petsitter, I'm up at the crack of dawn every day.  I love the sun rising.  Every new day seems magical to me, I'm definitely a morning person!  Each one is different and I never tire of seeing the sun pop up over the horizon.  I even got a sunrise on my new tattoo!   I have carried my camera with me many mornings to capture it, and now I enjoy it even more when I can run and watch the sun come up!  I didn't take this picture this morning, but I saw the sun rise from this very spot today...minus the snow.

Surely you know this by now!  I love all things Disney, but especially Disney WORLD.  So so so excited to run my first half there and join together two great loves I have...the magic of Disney and running!  Oh and photography, naturally.   I love shooting at WDW, there's a neverending amount of things to shoot.

My back deck. 
Yep, Spring has finally arrived and along with finally being able to run outside, I look forward to my back yard this time of year.  I love being outside and this is my favorite place to be.  Last weekend we pulled out all the furniture and cleaned up the yard a bit, this weekend we'll do quite a bit more because we're due for 70 degree weather! We still have to stain the deck too. Yippee!  Yep, I even like yardwork!  After a long run or yard work, there is no other place I would rather sit and enjoy the fresh country air than here:

So...what are YOU doing this weekend?  I hope everyone can get outside and enjoy spring!


  1. Always love your pictures Karen! Amazing as always!

    And you ask me what I'm doing this weekend? Funny enough I'm taking my Junior Girl Scout group out to learn and earn their Digital Photography Badge- we are doing a 'photo scavenger hunt'. :)

    1. How funny! That sounds like a blast, I LOVE photo scavenger hunts! I am teaching an advanced photog class for our teens at our homeschool co-op this session, I could do that for one of their assignments!

  2. Gorgeous photos! Especially love the sunset one :0)

  3. your blog is great, and your photos are gorgeous. cant wait to see more.
    thanks for the comments on my blog. how did you find me, by the way?

    1. Amy, I'm pretty sure your blog was listed in the sidebar of someone's blog! Darn, I wish I could remember, but I have been clicking so much and subscribing through bloglovin that I don't know exactly who. Thanks for reading, I don't have many readers, so it's exciting to get responses! LOL

    2. I'm gonna toss your blog into my subscriptions if you dont mind. I really look forward in watching you make it to your goal!

    3. Absolutely! I'm excited to have a few people following! I'm new to blogging, so if you see any glaring errors, let me know. It's a work in progress!

  4. I love this post! I, too, am a photographer. Sadly I haven't pursued it as a career yet, but hopefully in the next couple of years. I wish I could post a picture here of the beautiful sunrise I saw on a morning run. Disney is such a great place for pictures. There's so much detail to capture. :)

    1. Kim, I started out just doing sessions for friends and it grew from there! I do it more for fun though as it's not a very profitable business. My petsitting business is really my main business.

  5. OOOOH. Love the colours on your deck Karen! And I wish I was a morning person. Were you always? Before you had your children I mean.
