
Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Happy wide-angle Wednesday to ya!  Do you know how many miles I have put in already this week?  Zero.  Zilch.  I'm sure you are thinking to yourself, another running injury?!?!  I'm injured, but not by running, by clumsiness.  Sunday I jammed my foot into the side of the lawnmower (I have no idea how) and ripped my little toe nail.  I thought it would be ok in a day or so, but it swelled up, it hurts even to walk, and it's slow to heal.  I think I not only ripped it but possibly broke the toe and jammed my nail up into the nailbed.  Ew, I'm sorry, that was TMI.  Well, have no fear!  I will NOT share a photo of it on this lovely WAW.  Instead, I'll sit here and sulk about hobbling around this week while looking at photos of a place I love to walk (and run!)

They were just getting everything ready for the Flower and Garden Festival when we were there.  I need to find a way to make it there during F&G sometime!

How's everyone doing this week?  Did you get the cold blast we have that knocked spring back a bit? Ever injure yourself NOT running? ;)


  1. OUCH! Omg Karen that sounds extremely painful... I can't even imagine. I hope your toe heals quickly!

    I've never been to Disney for the F&G Festival but I hope to someday!

    1. It hurt for longer than I thought it would but today it's much better! I'm hoping to try out my running shoe in the next day or two. I've been wearing flipflops.

  2. Eeek, that sounds a bit painful! The good news is that the weather was nice enough that you were mowing grass and not shoveling snow right? Hope that heals up quickly! Lovely photo!

    1. Thanks Meranda! Yes, and the weather is nice enough to wear flip flops luckily because I couldn't wear a shoe all week! It's much better today though.

  3. That sounds so painful! I'm always injuring myself in non-running related ways. Comes with the territory of being awesome, right? ;) It's snowing here as I type this...very sad. I hope your toe heals quickly!

  4. :( Get better soon!!!! I LOVE this photo... so gorgeous.

  5. That photo is beautiful! Love all of the color. Sorry about your toe... That sounds super painful. Ouch!!

    1. Thanks Jaime! It was more painful than I thought it should be, but it's healing finally!

  6. Ouchy! Hope you heal up soon! Beautiful photo as always!!!

  7. Oh no, that sounds awful! I hate it when I do something like that... Eli loves your monorail photo! I love it too, so beautiful and it makes me want to go to Disney today! :) Guess I need to start playing the lotto. I hope that foot feels better soon.

    1. Yay, I'm glad Eli liked it! You and me both with the lotto, twinkie! ;)

  8. Ugh, its been cold here again, and I haven't been running like I should….I've been tied to the treadmill. Boo!

    I hope you are feeling better soon! In the meantime, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, cause I think you are so awesome!!! Check out the details on my blog:

    1. Awww! You are awesome Kristy! I'll head over and hopefully get mine blogged up this weekend. It's pretty crazy with work (holiday's are busy for petsitting!) but thank you so much for the nomination! Boo for the treadmill, hope it warms up there!

  9. Ouch! Hope your toe is feeling better!

  10. It's amazing how the smallest body part can hurt so much!! I've lucked out this year with the cold - I picked the right year to relocate to Florida, so even during the cold snaps, the worst its gotten down here is 30 and NO SNOW! Hope you feel better soon!

    I also nominated you for a Liebster Award...check out the details on my blog :)
