
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Princess Half Marathon Recap (Part 1 of a million)

Ok, so I don't know how many parts there will be.  I have a lot of photos, some that are too horrid to share so maybe that will cut down on the length...I doubt it.   I've done race recaps, but not of this magnitude, so I thought I would just start talking and see what comes out.  That's pretty normal for me anyway! LOL.  If you missed them, you can read my Expo and #Runnerslove posts which were the previous days before the race.

I had gone over this night of sleep in my head a million times and it went about like I thought it would.  Broken sleep the whole time with me finally waking up at 1:40, twenty minutes before the alarms went off.  I crept out of bed and started going over my list and getting ready.  Oh and I made coffee!  Kim had brought her coffee maker, life saver! I'm normally an extremely early riser, so I had no problems with feeling tired.  I ate some yogurt and a few mini Babycakes cupcakes.  Yep.  Cupcakes before a race.  I probably shouldn't have since cupcakes aren't what I normally eat, but I don't usually have stomach issues.  Took my obligatory selfie and was pretty pleased with my Cinderella costume!

 I did my normal morning routine as well as I could, but I found myself shaking as I was trying to get my bib just perfect.  I wasn't shaking because I was worried about the race, I was anxious about TIME and didn't want to be late.  As soon as I walked out the door to head for the bus at about 2:50, I felt much better.  I ran into April on the path to the bus.  Perfect timing, I should have expected this from my twinkie.  We walked over and straight onto the bus that had just pulled up, front seat even.  One had pulled away as we were walking up and it wasn't even 3 am, so I'm not sure if they are running buses even earlier now?

I was talking a mile a minute, nerves I suppose, but I talk a mile a minute on a normal day, so maybe not.  ;)  I do know that this would have been a completely different experience if I had been alone and I was so glad to have company!  We had no issues with traffic and arrived at don't know when.  I realized later that I never once looked at the time, not even in the corral. 

Bananas! (I never did eat mine...)

 We got in line almost right away so that we could get some photos with the backdrops.  The line moved fairly fast and I loved the music/DJ. I didn't feel like I was waiting, which I hate to do, btw.  It was truly surreal.  
We took photos with one backdrop, took a quick potty break with absolutely no lines (no clue where that shot is, but I took one) and then jumped back in the other photo line! These photos aren't the kind of quality I like, but honestly, it was so much fun, I just wanted to capture the moment.  I did see someone who had their dslr and then bag checked it.  If I get crazy enough I could do that next time.  (ahem...yes, there will be a next time!)

I have no idea what I'm laughing at, but I was having fun! About to run a half marathon?  Who, me? 


I'm sorry, did I say there were going to be a million parts to this race recap?  I meant a million and one.  Right after we finished up with pics, we found Rachel!  Actually, I think she found us, but who's keeping track here anyway? Time for more pictures then!!

Ok, there's a method to this madness.  First of all, I always take a lot of photos, it's just what I do.  It also helps me focus and calms my nerves.  I wasn't feeling too nervous but maybe that's because I was having fun taking photos.  I'm sharing so many with you, however, because it will be the last time you see me looking fairly cute and put together.  The remainder of this race recap will be filled with my dripping sweaty bangs, red face, and look of death!  I have to at least post some photos to offset that, right?  

We walked over to see if we could find any of the group photos that were taking place, that was harder than I thought.  So many people!  In the meantime, I was texting with Jessica so I could get a special photo for Savannah.  

After I got this shot, it was time to head to the corrals!  Already?!?! I'm torn on whether to continue or start part 2 here.  Hmmmm... I think I will end with us headed to the corrals.  Ooooh and I just realized that if there are three parts to this recap, and I do one each day, I will finish on Birthday!  Fitting! 

 I took a pic of the now-crazy-line PP's that April and I had used with no lines earlier.  We decided to use the ones out by the corrals when we got there. 

  I wasn't surprised at the walk, I had read about it many times, and enjoyed it.  It helped warm up my muscles a bit.  I was so excited!

Before I knew it, we were at the area where they split the corrals off and we headed towards F.  I was pretty lucky to have someone I knew in the same corral as me.  I might have been more nervous about where to go and what to do, but instead I just followed April around like a puppydog.  LOL

Up run-in with a port-a-potty. There were curse words!


  1. Love the pictures, keep them coming! :D Great recap, Karen!! Glad you beat the crazy traffic mess...I definitely plan on getting on a bus earlier next time!

    1. I will definitely remember that early is best! I would rather wait at the race than stuck in a bus!

  2. It was so great to see you, April, and Rachel before the race started! Helped to see familiar faces, even if I'd only seen two online before!

    1. Haha! I totally didn't put your name and face with your blog Lauren! I swear, I don't know how I ran a half marathon when I was half out of my brain!

    2. It's ok! I had that problem at #runnerslove too!

    3. Yep, so many faces and sometimes I only associate the name or whatever they have for their tiny profile pic (not everyone posts a million pics of themselves like me! LOL). AND, I loved your costume! It was funny, when we were all standing there, I thought you just knew the others, so I felt kind of like I should shut-up and let you guys chat! OMG...I need to make a masterlist next time or something!

  3. I ended up having to use the port-a-potties at the corrals.....and sprinted to the start line...just to wait ;) I'm so glad I got to see you before the race!

  4. Love, love the pictures. I ran the race vicariously through you and a bunch of other bloggers so I appreciate the tiny detail pics!

    1. I'm glad you like them b/c there are many! LOL

  5. love seeing this race through your eyes. keep them coming.

    1. Thanks Amy! More coming up! (I couldn't help myself, I'm posting Part 2 today as well)

  6. Oh No, you're keeping us in suspense of parts 2 and 3! As always I am loving your recaps to far! So cool that you saw April and Rachel and that you were all in the same corral! Can't wait for more!

    1. Not much suspense b/c I have no patience! I'm posting part 2 today as well. LOL

  7. Post ALL the pictures!! Seriously though, I love them. Your recaps are always awesome, and I am so excited for you! I am also quite surprised that someone brought their really nice camera and even checked it! I am pretty wary about leaving expensive items with people I don't know haha.

    That pink/blue sleeping beauty costume is so creative!! I love that part in the movie when the fairies are arguing about what color the dress should be.

    I have to say, I am rather curious about that port-a-potty encounter you are writing about in your next post... it doesn't sound too pleasant LOL!

    1. Wasn't April's costume amazing! I loved it! Yeah, I'm not sure I would feel comfortable checking my DSLR.
      Port-a-potty story, coming right up!

  8. Your costume is adorable! Can't wait to read the rest of your recaps.

  9. Love your costume- it came out perfectly! Can't wait to read your million recap posts! Include all the photos! :)

  10. What was with that no TP anyhow...I always have a fresh pack of Kleenex in my SparkleSkirt JUST IN CASE. Came in so handy and laughing your cursing. Nice recap!

    1. LOL...I will definitely carry some with me next time. Lesson learned! ;)
