
Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekly wrap-up a bit late?!

I'm a terrible blogger and I suspect it's only going to get worse as the holiday season amps up.  I'm pretty busy this time of year as I'm a petsitter and my clients all go out of town for the holidays.  I was not actually working a ton last week, but preparing for the work I'll be doing this week!  

I also ran 17 miles.  I got in a 4 day streak of running thanks to some not-so-cold weather and my new treadmill.  Then I forced myself to break a day before putting in my 6 mile long run on Friday.  

The run went great, but that afternoon I was pretty sore and worried I might have pushed myself too much for the week.  I'm better today after a weekend of rest.  I ran my three miles this morning and feel great. Rey comes home tomorrow and we have family things going on as well as me running in and out to work.  I think I'll say now Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, just in case I don't make it back on Wednesday for WAW!  

I don't even have any photos to share!  GASP.  I'm unsure what the world is coming to, but I'm sure I'll make up for it next time I post.  

Do you have special plans for Thanksgiving?


  1. I got my email about Princess race last week - it got me really excited. Did you get yours??

    1. Yes! I squealed when I got it. Far too excited for an email, especially one that didn't even tell me anything I didn't already know. LOL!

  2. Sounds like you had a great past week of training:) Princess run will be here before you know it:)

    1. Thanks Kristy! I hope not too soon, I haven't paid off the trip yet! ;)

  3. Congrats on your 17 miles this week! That is AWESOME! Have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks Lauren! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm spending it with a bunch of frat boys and (hopefully) my Air Force boy... so tht should be interesting....

  5. Sounds like you had a great week...glad you enjoyed the rest, we all need that every once in a while! :0) Happy Thanksgiving, Karen!

  6. What a busy week! Your pet sitting job sounds so fun! Happy Thanksgiving Karen!!!

  7. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Karen! Princess e-mail???? I got nothing!!!! I guess I should go check my junk mail folder.~M

  8. Keeping up with the blogging is rough when things get busy! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying time with your family!
