
Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy November!

I'm really just stunned that it's November.  It will take me until December to get used to it.  

 I have been waffling on whether to do a November blogging challenge.  I have been in a bit of a blogging funk and wanting to find some inspiration in my blogging lately, and it seems like a good idea, but I don't think I'm going to.  I think at some point in the 30 days, I would start feeling like I HAD to blog instead of blogging when it felt right.  I seriously just sat here contemplating it not five minutes ago and just finally made the decision not to while typing this.  I would like to use some of the prompts that I found on the BLOGEMBER: Blog every day in November Challenge though to help me out of my funk, and find a way to  relate them to running/training.  I think I will try that once a week or so to get my creative juices flowing. Today, however, is all about yesterday's Halloween fun! 

Savannah is 13, but still not ready to give up trick-or-treating just yet!  She decided to be Grumpy Cat this year and met with some of her friends to trick-or-treat for just a little bit before heading to a party/sleepover. 

After trick-or-treating with some of her friends and their younger siblings, we headed to her BFF's house for a Halloween party.  They really went all out with decorations and spooky foods, I wish I had taken more pics, but I set up my tripod for them to use in a photobooth area with another camera  and left them to do their thing.  They are getting a bit old to have my hanging around taking pics all night.  

Besides, I was sitting upstairs with a nice glass of wine and good conversation.  I can't always be the photographer, sometimes I just have to be the wino. ;) 
Before I left for the night, I took a few shots of them outside, shooting off fireworks and releasing a few lanterns. 

Smoke bombs made for spooky-smokey-Halloween shots!

Tomorrow is my 10K and I'm excited, but a little nervous b/c my heel feels a little tweaked.  Not sure why, it doesn't really HURT, but I'm paranoid about it since the injury and careful when it feels "off" at all.  Lots of rest today and packet pickup this evening!  

How was your Halloween?  
Did you go to any parties?  Did you dress up? 


  1. I don't know if I could blog every day for a month... I like my every other day thing lol. Plus, I have a feeling that life would get the in the way and I would miss at least one then would feel guilty or something!

    On another note, Savannah's costume is so fun! I love Grumpy Cat. We didn't do much for Halloween really, just watched our fave specials :0)

    Good luck at your 10K!!!

    1. Thanks Lauren! Yep, I just don't think I have the time for every day blogging.

  2. We had a nice Halloween. I love the grumpy cat costume, it's perfect! And those treats look delicious. Good luck on your 10K!!!

    1. Thanks! I did NOT have any of the treats, so I cannot say if they were good...but I did have my fair share of wine. LOL.

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! I've always wanted to try one of those lanterns:)
    That would be a way awesome goal to blog daily for a month! Not sure if I could do it either though, I try to at least blog 3 times a week and on a really good week maybe 5 times. You take some of the greatest pictures, if you ever get in the mood you should do a photography series to teach us non-experts how to make our photo's better:)

    1. The lanterns are really cool! I have a few but we haven't done them but they just look really cool floating up and away. Thanks, I may do that! I think I could just do a little tips type of blog post that anyone could use to help their photography. I'll think on it!

  4. AHHHHHHH <3 <3 <3 <3 I'm so excited for your 10k tomorrow. I'm thinking FAST thoughts for you! Savannah looked AWESOME as grumpy cat, what a clever idea.

    I also love the Blogember ideas. I agree though, I don't know how many days I'd be able to commit to and feel real and not pushed.


    1. Awww, thanks Meg!!! <3 I think I would end up feeling guilty too, but I think I might find some prompts for a blog post a week, just to give me some inspiration!

  5. I love your photpgraphs (in all your posts)! I love seeing how much fun Savannah has with her friends. Makes me wish I was 13 again! As far as your blogging goes, I read that another blogger is doing this challeneg for November where every post she will write about something she is thankful for. Maybe that will give you some inspiration! Good luck!

    1. Thank you! She makes ME want to be 13 again too! Yes, I have seen the thankful challenge as well! I think April was going to do it??? April?
