
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wide-Angle Wednesday!

I think there's only one thing appropriate to post for wide-angle Wednesday this week! 

 Good luck to all my runner friends headed to Dumbo Double Dare this weekend at Disneyland!  I hope you all have a fabulous time, I cannot wait to read the race reports! 

Anyone stuck home like me?  The good news is that this means the Princess Half is getting closer!  179 days!!!

Any of you PLL fans?  Tell me last night was all a mistake, I feel completely betrayed!  Ahhhh!  And we have to wait until October.  Sigh. 


  1. UGH! Your pictures are so fantastic! It makes me want to be there now even more!!!

    1. I know! I so wish I could be there this weekend!

  2. Beautiful pics (as usual). and as to PLL. . . I keep wanting to get into it, but it's one of those shows that you need to start from the beginning, so now that it's on Netflix, just may get caught up!!! (that's how I got addicted to LOST and Once Upon a Time---adult Disney fix!!)

    1. It's almost more fun that way, Sharon! I have a lot of shows that I have started watching on Netflix and watched right through...then you don't have to wait a week for the next one! Of course, I usually get sucked into a show this way and then watch obsessively for hours on end and nothing else gets done around here! LOL

  3. Beautiful photos, Karen! They just made me even more excited for Dumbo! :)

    1. Thanks Kim! Replying to this late, so I KNOW you were excited and I KNOW you finished! LOL

  4. The first time I ever rode Dumbo was this February after the PH :) It was always closed/too busy when I was a kid, so my cousins made sure to take me on it in Feb. And we've already talked about PLL...but I'm still in shock.

    1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dumbo! It was the first ride my daughter ever went on and now she insists we do it first thing on our MK morning. <3

  5. I'm torn between wanting to see all the photos and read all the race recaps and being terrible jealous about being at home and then back to being happy I'm not running a 10k and half marathon this weekend! I'm so crazy!

    1. I know! I had such a great time watching all the tweets about DDD (as you can see, I'm late responding and the race is already over!) but I was jealous too! Made me want to go to Disneyland!

  6. One day, when I can get back to racing again I am going to have to try this Dumbo Dare, I have been hearing so much about it, sounds like a lot of fun!
    Your Dumbo pic seriously made me wish I could hop on a flight to Disneyland today, would be so much fun to do... ahhh to dream:)

    1. Me too! Hey, who knows, maybe we'll both be there in a year or two. Injuries be damned!

  7. All the DDD talk made me wish I was there this year! But at least it will be there for me to do in the future :) All the pics I've seen so far make it look like it was a blast!

    1. I know, it looked SO FUN! I may have to put DDD on my list of future races...but not sure my bank account will like that idea!
