
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Oops, Wide-angle Thursday

Yep, I lost a day, again! Wednesday just slipped right by.  Rey's parents and sister arrived yesterday and are here for the rest of the week, so I've been busy.  I am still resting and feeling better, having them here is keeping me busy, so it's not that awful to be taking a few days off from running.  The Mexican sweet-bread they brought with them...probably not super helpful when I'm not burning any running calories! LOL 

I'm not in any pain and doing lots of stretching, but I tried to put my running shoes on yesterday afternoon and the back of my heel immediately hurt.  It's almost like it's bruised and only hurts when something touches it??  Not great for running since I kind of have to wear shoes to do that.  Well, I guess I don't HAVE to. 

In any case, I hope everyone is having a good week and the road is treating you well! 



  1. Mmmm that sweet bread sounds yummy :) I hope you're having a fantastic week!!

  2. Have a great time with the family! I hope your foot gets the memo soon and heals quickly. :)

  3. Mmmm...Mexican sweet bread, yum! Glad you are able to take some time off to relax with family, that is oh so important!

  4. Why is it that, when we AREN'T exercising, that's when the yummy food is around????

  5. Have fun with your family! Hope the heel feels better soon!
