
Sunday, July 28, 2013

30 weeks of Training and weekly wrap-up

Yesterday I spent the better part of my morning, after my run, working on my training plan.  April @ Run The Great Wide Somewhere is to blame, she posted the training plan she had worked up and I decided I just needed to bite the bullet and get it done too.  For months I have been lamenting over what training plan to use for my first Half Marathon.  It seems that some are for people just hoping to finish, I find they don't have enough running; and some are for people hoping to best their PR from a previous half...which obviously I don't have!  I seem to fall somewhere in the middle.  Even the ones that came close to what I wanted, didn't have the correct days.  So, I decided to mash them all up and make my own!  I honestly cannot believe that all 30 weeks fit so easily onto a page and when I get to the bottom it will be time! Floored by that.

So who wants to look it over and tell me if it looks ok?  The blue spaces are races, I adjusted a few things for those and also moved a couple runs around because of prior engagements and times I know petsitting will be crazy, like Thanksgiving morning. Obviously I have a couple months before the mileage really goes up, so I just tried to focus on the 4-7 mile long runs up to my next10K and then started going up from there.  

It also looks like some of the plans just go straight up in mileage and others (like Galloway) have a week with a shorter run after a week or two with long runs.  I tried to do that as well, I thought it would keep me from injuring myself.  I also don't want to run the full 13.1 until the actual race, so I did 12 two weeks out and then a taper week.  What do you think?  I know running 4x a week might be a bit much, but I rarely run 3x a week anymore, I'm just compelled to run more. (this morning I sit here actually forcing myself to have a rest day when I want to run yet again!)

As for my weekly wrap-up, I ran 17 miles this week. I actually wanted to run more, yesterday I got home at 4 miles and had to talk myself out of going for another 4! It was a gorgeous morning and I ran at a comfortable pace and just felt like I could go and go. 

Monday- rest
Tuesday- 4 miles
Wednesday- 6.2 miles (virtual 10K Summer race)
Thursday- rest
Friday- 3.1 tempo miles on the treadmill
Saturday- 4 miles
Sunday- bike ride with Dallas this afternoon (no running!

Another week with very little to no cross training.  I thought about putting cross-training on my training calendar, but I honestly don't want to feel like I've failed every time I look at it and I intend to mark off nearly ALL those training runs as I go so I can see my progress!  I hope to add cross training into some of those blank days, but my running is top on my list and what I'm focused on right now.

Hope everyone had a good week, any glaring errors in my training plan?  Suggestions?  Did you use a plan or make up your own the first time you trained for a big race? 


  1. Yay! I'm so happy you got a schedule put together. It looks great to me. Other than the fact that I did 3x a week instead of 4x, it looks a lot like how I trained for the Princess Half (successfully!) last year. :)

    1. Thanks April! I put 4x just because that's what I seem to be doing each week, but I won't be upset if I need to shave it down to 3x a week at some point. I'm glad to hear you successfully trained similarly! When I look at those longer runs, my heart starts racing!

  2. Looks like a good plan! My only suggestion would be to ramp up your long run mileage a little earlier (maybe run 8/9/10 miles twice, but still every other week?)- from your current running, you're practically halfway through your plan already! :)
    I've created my own training plans 3 times now and each time has been a bit different. My first year, I did 1-2 short runs during the week (2-3 miles) and one long run on the weekend, but only trained up to 8 miles. My second year, in the last 6 weeks, I only ran twice a week, but just kept increasing my mileage until ~12 miles. This year, I'm running 2-3 shorter runs (2-3 miles) and one long run where I'm steadily increasing my mileage until a week before. At 5 weeks out, my long runs are 12-13 miles, then I my last long run a week before is 10 miles. Recovery time wise, I know a week is enough for me and I also know not to push myself if I feel any pain. Mentally, I think going the full distance before will help me.... but I'll let you know. Lol. :) Yikes, that was long! Sorry! I hope this helped. :)

    1. No, it totally helped! I didn't up the mileage earlier b/c I just thought I wasn't supposed to in order to ensure I don't injure myself, but I would definitely like to be doing those longer runs more than once each! I may rework it a bit. I'm unsure of how long recovery on a long run like 12 will take me b/c I've never done it! When I ran 7, I was running 2 days later, but unsure if I really need a 2 week taper or not?

    2. I'm definitely not an expert, but I think if you're careful and no pushing yourself too hard too fast, increasing your mileage earlier should be okay. As for the taper, see how you feel after you hit your 10 mile long run. If you feel pretty awesome a week later, you're probably good to go with less than 2 weeks.

  3. when i did my training for my first half, instead of where you have 9, 10, 11 and 12 in the last month or so... if you replace those numbers with 9, 11, 12 and 14, you would see my plan. i went up to 14 on my last long run so that I knew what i was doing and it wouldn't surprise me on race day. without injuries, you should only have a couple days recovery after your long runs every week you up your mileage. with injuries... you need some extra time. i pulled a groin muscle on my week of 12 and it never healed until after the half. do you ned that taper? with your first few races, absolutely.

    1. Thanks Amy! I'll definitely adjust those runs after the long ones if I need to rest more. I'm getting really good at listening to my body. I thought about doing a 12.5 but I don't want to do the full distance until the actual race. I want that 13.1 to be the first time I do it. I think if I do 11 and 12 a couple times, I'll feel confident enough that I can do the 13, hopefully!

    2. I am sure you will. you are far more able than you sometimes give yourself credit for!

  4. Looks great to me! A very good gradual build up. Running 4x a week is definitely safe as long as you have the desire to do it (i.e. possibility of burn out if the 4x's a week was from MUST instead of WANT).

    You are going to do GREAT!

    1. Oh definitely! I won't do 4x a week if I don't actually WANT to, I can always cut it to 3x on weeks where I need a break or feel worn out.

  5. Hi Karen!!! Good for you with the plan---not like you aren't already half-way through it!!

    I'm with a couple of the other poster's here, maybe up the mileage a little earlier? And you know what a proponent of cross-training I am---I would REALLY try to work that in if you could. . . I'm just speaking from experience, the last thing you want to do is to hurt yourself--and cross training is to IMPROVE your running, not to take away from it :-D Maybe not put it on the schedule, but keep it in the back of your mind that the easy day (Monday) can be replaced with a 30-45 min bike/elliptical (when we're all stuck inside come Winter) boo :-( Then you will still have your Tempo days to make yourself feel 'accomplished'
    I totally agree with you on the plans out there though---I'm not at the 'to cross the finish line'. . already did that. But I know I can't do the 17 miles per weekend some of the 'time improvement' plans call for, so I made my own based on my schedule, runs that I signed up for, and how I know myself.

    You are doing awesome either way. . . keep it up!!!

    1. I was wanting to up the mileage earlier but I'm afraid of injury before the race? I'm guessing I will probably pick up the mileage and then I will back off if I feel like I need to take it slower. That's the good thing about having all this extra time!

  6. Seeing your dates fit all on one page made me excited too, because I could see the countdown to Glass Slipper without having to flip a calendar page! Haha

    The only cross training I do during half training is strength training. I have greatly reduced my likelihood of getting injured by regular strength training. Sometimes I'll get on a spin bike for some cross training but its mostly strength training. Consider it!

    1. Strength training is actually preferable to me than biking or elliptical at this point. I did some today! :)

  7. Yeah, along with what Alicia above just posted, when I say "cross training", I also mean strength training too (actually, I couldn't stand it any longer, I HAD to go lift yesterday---I was feeling weak and vulnerable :-D ) but I left it open to anything 'non-running' because I know how much you hate the idea of strength training---but you really should consider it for safety sake!!!

    1. It's not that I hate strength training, just that I'm compelled to RUN more than any other exercise! I strength trained today before my 3 mile tempo and it felt great! The run...not so much, it was HARD this morning! Thanks Sharon! :)
