
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tempo Tuesday

Another Tuesday arrives and no tempo run.  It's ok, this time it's because I did it yesterday!  Dallas & I decided to rest the whole weekend, I still have a little something-something pull in my left knee going on, and when we talked about our schedule this week, it worked best to run on Monday and Wednesday and then rest another two days before the race Saturday!  Ahhhh!  That means I just have one run left and then it's 10K time!! 

Me?  Freak out?  Ha!  Obsess is more like it.  It's Tuesday and I have my race outfit sitting on top of the dresser already.  Is that strange?  Not for me! I've been known to pack for trips and live out of a suitcase for 2 weeks before the actual trip.

In any case, I luckily have less time to freak and obsess because I'm crazybusyworking!  Summer is the busy season for my business (petsitting) and Savannah and I have been going and going from morning to night doing petsits.  


There are actually three dogs at this house, but we could barely get one of them in the pic, and that was with me using my master-photographer-SQUEALING noises that usually work and Savannah  holding him just so he wouldn't jump all over. Hyper pups are the best...except when you want their picture! 

Even though my job has me running around from early early morning to late evening, it does afford breaks in the afternoon, between mid-days and evenings.  Yesterday we decided to take advantage and hit the pool for the first time this season.

Notice anything a little off?  How about how there are NO PEOPLE in the pool?  That, my friends, is because it was 69 degrees!  Yes, June 3rd and 69 degrees in Missouri.  Definitely not the norm, but I needed the sunshine, so we went anyway.  It was fine in the sun, I would have never thought it was only 69, but Savannah and her friend decided to actually get in the water.  Insanity!  When I got in up to my ankles, I thought how perfect this would be for an ICE BATH after a long run.  It was frigid! 

 They never did go all the way under, but we enjoyed our few hours off in the sun and now it's back to work! 

 Fine by me, less time to worry about the race.  I trained for it, I know I can do it, I just need to relax about all the unknown/unexpected stuff that can happen.  Nothing I can do about those things anyway! 

Anyone have any races this weekend as well?  Has the weather been seasonably cold where you are too?


  1. I guess you could say it has been unseasonably cold here in being in the low 80s instead of the 90s ;) It's still pretty warm. And humid! No races this weekend, but good luck with your rest days!

    1. Bwahaha! Well, low 80s is cooler for Florida this time of year than normal! ;) Thanks Rachel! I was just about to post to you about that cool oatmeal!

  2. I'm so excited for you doing your first 10K this weekend! I know I have said it before and I'll say it again but best of luck on it! :)

    I have the half marathon on Sunday, and I wish it was 70 degrees here lol It is consistently in the 90's now! Talk about hoooot!

    1. Shew! That's HOT for a half!!! Good luck to you, you're an old pro at this now, you got it! Hope you catch that PR!

  3. Love that you already have your race outfit laid out! I'm a big packer, too. I typically pack, unpack, and repack a couple times. :) It's been pretty warm here on the CA coast- got into the 90s! Can't believe it's already here- you're going to be great for your 10k!

    1. I know! It felt so far away and now it's going to be done by this time next week! Oh so lucky with that CA weather!!

  4. Send some of that amazing weather our way. We never had went from winter to summer in a matter of weeks! Best of luck in your 10K!
