
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wide-angle Wednesday

Helloooooo!  It's been a week, I see.  Work and life picks up in the warmer months for me and I find myself busier.  It's all good though, I run more too!  I just feel like my blogging is in a bit of a lull lately.  I didn't do a weekly wrap-up because it seems a bit boring.  When I first started blogging about running I had all sorts of epiphanies and lessons I was learning.  Now I just get out there, do what I love, and I come here and sit staring at the screen for something epic to talk about...but nothing comes.  It's all good though, these things go in cycles, I'm sure I'll be blabbing about something or another soon enough!  

Let's get to WAW, shall we?  A departure from Disney again, these are oldies but goodies, taken in 2010.  Baby kitties that Savannah & I pet sat when they are only about 4 days old.

For those of you that blog, do you ever feel like you are at a loss for something "epic" to blog about? Do you worry that your readers will get bored? 


  1. Whatever it is that you have to say, we just like seeing you on here! I don't know that we ever have anything "Epic" to blog about but I hope our readers find value in it or are at least entertained! Have a good week friend!

    1. Thanks Meranda! I guess sometimes I wonder why anyone wants to know how many miles I ran or what snapshots I took along the way. LOL.

  2. I'm in a funk, too, especially since I haven't run in nearly a month! BUT Europe is 12 days hopefully that will give me some content ;)

    1. Ahhhh! 12 days!!!!!!! I'm excited for you...and excited for ME to read all about it! You are definitely going to have a lot to share soon!

  3. OMG what adorable photos!! I love baby animals!

    Also, I second Meranda's opinion. We are not just followers, we are your friends and love to read your posts, "epic" or not!

    1. Thanks Lauren! Awww, you are so sweet. I'm glad they don't have to be epic b/c sometimes there's just nothing big going on! :)

  4. Sometimes there just isn't anything that you want to blog about and that's just fine. I've been taking time away from my blog because I just don't have anything constructive to say. My belief is quality over quantity. I could blog everyday if I had to, but that doesn't necessarily mean I would be saying anything worth reading, personally. So I like to keep my posts to things that I want to share because they have a purpose, rather than just filling words on a page. You'll find your blogging mojo again soon. There will be things you want to talk about and share with us, and we will be here waiting for you. :)

    1. I agree, I think I would rather post less than just make myself come up with things when there's not a ton going on! Thanks Lena! <3

  5. First- I love reading your blog! But I know the feeling. I've struggled with blogging before because I tried to keep my blog somewhat "professional" sounding. Then I realized people like to be entertained and they'll read what entertains them. So I let go of the rules I set for myself and just started to write whatever I felt like and even *gasp* started using bad words or writing rants or just writing about the randomness that pops into my mind. Those are the blogs I love best, so why not do that myself?

    Write what YOU enjoy writing about and you'll be fine!

    1. Thanks Jaime! LOL...I had to laugh about you using bad words. I have a HUGE potty mouth but refrain here b/c I don't want to offend anyone! ;)

  6. I'm getting ready for another epic adventure at Walt Disney World - this time with lovely small girls who've never been - so I've been perusing your photos - here, there and everywhere to get into the spirit.

    Love the photos of Vannah. Geeze, time has flown.

    1. Whoohooo! So excited for you and those wee girls! You better take a lot of pics. I order you! ;)

  7. I wish I could think of something epic to blog about, but my life is not that interesting:) I started doing something weird, if I am working at a library and I come across an idea from a book or a patron, I just start writing it or at least a brief of what I want. I've found that sometimes people seem to like the posts that only took me a few minutes to come up with, rather then the ones I spend hours finishing:) So I 2nd what the commenter Jamie said above, sometimes Random just works best sometimes:)

    1. Thanks Kristy! I like just reading about people's lives, so I guess it makes sense that I could do the same!

  8. Bloggers-block happens pretty often to me. And even more often, I question whether I'm even posting anything worthwhile. I love reading what you write, even if it's just how many miles you ran and a picture of a terrifying horse with blue eyes. I got super inspired to write this great blog post and then found out a big blogger just did a whole series exactly about what I was going to write... Sigh. Adorable photos, kittens are almost as awesome as puppies! ;)

    1. Baby-anything usually gets my attention! LOL. You kill me with the horse comments! If you lived closer, I would make you come and meet him. He's terrifyingly sweet! ;)

  9. In answer to your question...ALL OF THE TIME! lol But like you said, it comes in cycles. It's funny that I love reading about other people's weekly recaps because they are inspiring and if someone else has a bad week, it reminds me that bad runs happen to everyone. On a different note, I love the pictures!

  10. I definitely know about blog block. In fact I was just talking about it yesterday. I find everyone else's life way more fascinating then mine so I love to hear the boring details.

    I love the picture of Savannah. I just love how you captured her pure love for the kitten.

    1. Thank you Megan! This is one of my favorite shots of her. I love the boring details when I'm reading about other people, so I guess I should give myself a break! ;)

  11. I feel that way a lot of the times, but then I remind myself I'm blogging mostly as sort of a journal for myself, so it's okay if it's boring or mundane some days.

    I always love your gorgeous pictures!

    1. Yep, that is EXACTLY why I started blogging, more as a journal and if I have boring and mundane days, I should write about them exactly as they are! Thanks Jess!
