
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekly wrap-up!

Spring has sprung!  It's been a lovely week.  

 I ran 11 miles this week.  Nothing to write home about, but I'm trying to focus on running without pushing myself into injury and 11-14 miles a week seems to feel right for me right now.  Everything is starting to turn green and I'm loving running outside without having to bundle up.  

I ran twice with my furry client, Normie, and once by myself yesterday morning.  I decided to push my speed just a bit and ended up doing negative splits on my 4 mile run.  10:04 for my last mile, that's the fastest mile I've run since I've been injured.  It felt great! I haven't put a lot of time into speedwork because I have just wanted to make sure I don't injure myself, but I think I am definitely getting into the habit of at least one run a week pushing my speed. 

 The rest of our weekend has been spent working in the yard.  It still needs some work, but we put a stone border around two of the gardens and planted a bunch of perennials, more work than it looks like.  My poor grass is all clumpy and not totally grown in yet.  It's getting there.

We also put up the badminton/volleyball net. Good times!  I think it's time to burn that leaf/wood pile though.  We can do that out here in the country if you are wondering, it's legal. It was strange when we moved out here because I grew up in the suburbs where it was against the law to burn.

 It was nice to spend so much time outside together.  Rey is headed back to work this week and I'll miss him being here all the time so I'm glad we had fantastic weather for our last weekend with him home.  This was the first shot I tried to get of the yard...

Photobomber! That's all folks. Lots of time with Rey before he heads out.
We're in for some cold, wet weather this upcoming week, but that's how spring goes around here. I might have a colder and lonelier week ahead, but I have new running shoes (more on them after I try them out) so I'll just have to get out there and run off the cold and the lonelies! ;) 

Did you get any spring weather this weekend where you are?  Working on speedwork?


  1. So glad to hear that you're running without pain!! Have a great Sunday - I am happy to hear that spring has made its way to you finally!

  2. Awesome fastest mile (since injury)!

    I still don't understand where you can and can't burn, but it blows my mind some of the places you can! When I was growing up, we didn't know anyone that ever burned anything, so it's weird for me to even be around a bonfire.

  3. Love the multi colored chairs. I live in Phoenix, so spring is definitely here. It's made it into the 90s. Good job on your speedy run! :)

  4. Good job on the negative splits, Karen! And running with no injuries!!! :)

  5. I love that set up! SO gorgeous. I'm glad you're finally warming up!

  6. I love your deck with the multi-colored chairs around the fire pit! It looks like such a great place to hang out. Glad you guys got to have a good weekend! - Jess

  7. I love your deck too, so cute!!!! We have been having lots of spring here too, well last week was fabulous:) love this time of year!!!
