
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekly wrap-up!

I know, I know, I missed Wide-angle Wednesday!  I'll make it up to you and post a WAW shot today, K? 

For those of you that have followed WAW photos for a while, you will think this is a repeat, but it is not!  I just happen to have an affinity for taking copious shots of my Grey Goose slushies with that fabulous blooming pink tree in France(World Showcase) every.single.trip.  ;)  This is the most recent shot. 

As for my weekly wrap-up, I may have been absent from blogging, but running went pretty well!  My knees are not hurting while running and my heel issue only bothers me when I drive?  It's strange, but the angle I need to put my foot for the accelerator coupled with a regular shoe, causes a strange uncomfortable feeling.  BUT, if I wear any kind of wedge shoe, it doesn't bother me!  I know, bizarre.  I think it's more the back of the shoe pushing on the back of my foot?
In any case, I have been running not in the Brooks Pureflow that I love, but it's sister, Brooks PureCadence.  I had purchased these shoes (1st version) last year when I purchased the PF's and I liked the PF's better.  These just sat around or I wore them to run errands.  Well, since I was still having problems with the PF's, I decided to put these puppies on and run and they feel great!  I guess I will bite the bullet and purchase the newer version of them (PureCadence 3) since these won't last too much longer.  I think I might get a less bright color though, these are cute but scream LOOK AT ME!! a bit too much. 

That's Norman, my furry client.  He ran with me twice this week and has been a regular every week lately. He's a fantastic running partner, we have to stop to smell the roses occasionally, but usually if we take a walk break, he's tugging at the leash, ready to run more!  He also gives fantastic kisses. 

 This client lives near a trail (paved) that I love to run on, so we do a 3 or 4 mile circle around it.  Spring has arrived and even though the trees are bare, the grass is starting to turn green again! 

We even get to visit briefly with some Alpacas on our route.  

I can't work on speed when I'm running him, we stop too much, but I got in some treadmill runs this week where I worked on my speed a bit.  I still don't have a "plan" really, but I'm enjoying putting in some miles mostly pain-free and the spring weather! 

I did notice that my knee was a little sore after 4 miles yesterday, so it may just be the shorter mileage runs that are keeping my knee from hurting.  I'll take it for now!  I ran 14 miles this week and that's the most I've run in a week since I started having knee trouble in January when training for the PHM.  Bring on Spring! 

Has spring arrived yet where you are? It's still chilly here but the birds insist that it's spring! Have you ever had an issue where longer runs caused injury but keeping it short kept you uninjured?  How exactly do you train if so???



  1. Sounds like you're doing great. Glad to see spring is finally there to stay and that your foot and knee are both treating you well. I've canned my long runs for the moment. Until I put a 10k or longer on my race calendar, I'm taking the time to focus on speed instead. You may just need a couple of months with shorter runs to let everything heal up and settle down. In typical twinkie fashion, my left knee is starting to get a bit tweaky on me from my speed work. Ack!

    1. LOL, sometimes I think I should just wait until Friday to check out how your week went so I know how mine is going! ;) Hope the knee doesn't get any worse, you due for new shoes??

    2. I know! It's ok for now, I think the different stressors of speed work is what is tweaking it. My shoes are still pretty new! I've got my first "official" repeats scheduled for tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed that it feels ok after that!

    3. I really want to work on my speed as well but I'm worried about injury, so I'm taking it slow. LOL...slow speedwork? ;)

  2. Yay for spring! And new shoes! You should get just an obnoxious of a color. It's way more fun that way!

    1. Haha! They are seriously crazybright, when I wear them, I get comments everywhere I go b/c it's the first thing people notice. LOL

  3. Yay for running almost pain-free! You're getting there! :0)

    That doggie is just adorable. I bet you have so much fun doing your job! I would love to run with my dogs, but they are small so they wouldn't be able to go as far easily. I like to take them to get their exercise at the dog park though!

    That is great spring has started showing itself for you. I think spring is here to stay for the most part in Houston *knock on wood*!

    1. I was thinking that I was pretty lucky to be getting PAID to run, when we were running the other day! He's the only client I actually run with, most dogs I petsit aren't as fit as him. Including my own! LOL

  4. I'm still having hamstring issues.... so I'm going to a doctor on Friday :/ Hopefully, they'll give me some exercises to do and I won't have to take too much time off... there's a Half Marathon in Liverpool when I'm in England, so I want to run it, obviously!

    1. Gah! I hate injuries! I hope it starts feeling better quickly Rachel!

  5. Aww, We've been wondering how you've been Karen! Glad to see smaller runs are going well for you! I love Norman ( but of course you knew I would). He looks a lot like my girl and from the sounds of it, he runs like her too ( always stopping to smell the roses)! Are you doing strength training exercises for your foot? I've been continuing Therapy for my knee/leg and although I am no where near healed, I did run my first race since PHM this weekend ( completely un trained though)!

    1. Thanks Meranda! He's a fantastic dog, really smart and loves to run! I have been doing stretches, but I'm struggling with my schedule and fitting the gym in. I know I can find a way, and I will, I just need to make a plan for getting there! Congrats on getting a race done! I feel a little better each day!

  6. I love the sights on your route - not everyone can run with alpacas! And I've been curious about the Pure Cadence - I might have to break down and try some!

    1. Thanks Amy! When I first got them I thought they had too much arch support feeling compared to the Pure Flows, but now they feel great? Strange how your feet change as you run more! I feel like it's a constant battle to find the right shoe.

  7. we dont really get spring where i live in south florida but we do get allergy season. and it is here in full force.

    1. Yep, allergy season here is in full swing as well!

  8. Those alpacas are so cute. It's great that you can get your runs in while you're working with your clients!

    1. I'm glad I've found some nice places to run in my area, it's so rural that sometimes there's too much natureish stuff and not enough pavement! ;)

  9. I am loving spring. We have had some crazy weather but this week is supposed to be fabulous. I took advantage of it today and planted my early garden veggie items.
    I love that you run with dogs. I used to run with mine but he would yank on my arms too much, he always seemed to want to go new routes and see new things:) Can't blame him:)
    Hope you can keep up the recovery and you can eventually get back to pain free everything running! Wish I could help ya on the distance vs. short distance. My only guess would be check the terrain? But even then, that shouldn't make a difference. Good luck getting it figured out!!!!

    1. I need to get planting, but I keep procrastinating! This may be one of those years that I just don't do much other than some tomatoes. Thanks Kristy!

  10. Those alpacas are so fluffy and cute! I like your hot pink shoes! That's what I love about running gear- I wear random neon that I would never wear in "civilian" dress! ;)
