
Friday, March 28, 2014

Tutu Friday

Happy Friday!!!! I won't ramble on about Self Magazine and their complete screw up, I think all of us in the running community are in agreement on this one.  I just wanted to post some tutu love today.  I prefer my Sparkleskirts most of the time, but I've had a blast running in tutu's as well.  If I can't have fun while I'm doing something I love, then why am I doing it???

Have a fantastic weekend and #rockthetutu


  1. TUTU POWER!! I think I'm going to wear one for one of my races this year! I've never ran in one...usually I wear skirts but now I definitely want to wear a tutu!

    1. Whoohooo! I have actually only run in a tutu twice and then the petticoat for PHM. They were fine if I kept them down on my hips and they were the short kind!

  2. Holy cow you got some air on that jump in the first pic! You look fabulous in your TuTus!

    1. Haha, I don't know how that happened. Maybe just the camera angle! LOL

  3. Love the tutus! I still haven't (1) run in a tutu (I worry that I'm too short to pull it off!) and (2) gotten one of those jumping during/before/after a race pictures. Love yours!

    1. I have to do the short ones, I think the long ones would bother me, and I've only done it a couple times. Thanks Twinkie!

  4. Way to rock the tutu!
