
Saturday, March 1, 2014

#Runnerslove and love of runners

I thought I would post about the #runnerslove meetup and all the people I met over the weekend!  I came away from this experience realizing the other runners are what really make this whole experience worth it.  I met so many amazing ladies and had so much fun. I had a list going of people I wanted to meet and didn't barely scratch the surface.  Again, balancing a trip with other people and a trip to run a half was delicate.  I think next time I will go on my own and the whole weekend will be about the race and runner fun.  

After The Expo we headed to the #Runnerslove meetup that Kristy and Meg coordinated at The Polynesian beach.  We were late after having to go back to the resort for my phone. (I'm never late, BTW.  Just sayin')  I was blown away as I walked up to the meetup and heard someone whisper/say "There's Karen".  Seriously folks, if you are the one that said that, you made me feel like a rockstar.  I forget that I'm not just blabbing to myself here and that people actually read and know who I am.  I geeked out a bit on that.  I'm also fairly shy (I know, SHOCKER!) with people I have never met, but I warm up fast.  I walked up to Meg and got the hugest-squealing-hug I have ever received in my life! If you have never met Meg, you must.  She's amazing!

I immediately started taking photos.  I think some people thought I was nuts, but this is just what I do. Gotta document people!   Besides, it helps with the nervousness,  LOL.  I saw so so so many faces that were familiar and I wish the rain had not foiled my plan to chat with all of you!  Meg & Kristy asked if I could take some pictures of the gifts their sponsors gave away, so I started happily snapping away. 

So many familiar faces and not enough time!

I panicked a bit when the rain started to come down harder. I had enough time to give Meg a hug and run! Patty escaped with me, Hi Patty!! *waving* 

 By the time we got to cover, I realized I needed to head to Downtown Disney for our dinner reservation, so we headed out.  Curse you rain!  I missed Rachel by seconds, she arrived and texted me as we were stepping on the bus.  Boo. Hiss.  

Have no fear though, I have determination!  Rachel met me at the Pop Century pool on Saturday afternoon and I'm so glad she did.  We had a blast!  
We chatted by the pool and then proceeded to embarrass my 13 year old daughter by getting up and doing the Cupid Shuffle in the middle of the pool!  Savannah wasn't too embarrassed though, as she was happy to take photos of us dancing! Unfortunately, my camera is tempermental with people that don't use it often and she didn't set it on auto, so it was on my own settings and half the shots were out of focus. So much fun though! 


When what to my wondering eyes should appear?!!!  My twinkie!  I have been calling April my twinkie since last summer when we seemed to get the same injury or go through the same thing all the time.  I was so excited to see her!

She even brought me a "My first Half Marathon" button from the expo AND a Sparkleskirt.  Uh, could she get any better? ;) 

We spent a couple hours at the pool chatting, we moved to a table when a brief rain came through and they schooled me on Florida weather.  We had been talking about meeting followers of our blogs when out of nowhere Wendy appeared!  She asked if I was Karen and told me she read my blog.  Uh...first fangirl moment!  I was so excited, she started to walk away and I had to ask for a picture.  She then proceeded to ask if she was my first!  LOL!  Yep!  
Wendy, my first! 

Even though I was doing Disney stuff with the Savannah & Eleanor, there were still more runnerslove moments for me over the weekend.  My twinkie not only met me for the bus and hung out with me before the race, but she supported me when she found me around 8 1/2 miles (& I needed it!) and crossed the finish line with me.  More on that later, but she truely earned BRF (Best Runner Friend) status during the Princess weekend! 


I set up a superspecial meetup right before the race to get a picture with someone that Savannah & I both follow on twitter.  Jessica is a huge Ed Sheeran fan and when I saw what her costume was going to be, I had to set up a secret meetup and suprise Savannah (the hugest Sheerio on the planet!) I sent the picture to her and she loved it!  

After the race, I finally got to spend some time with Meg, we met up at Epcot and she bought me a drink!  She is so absolutely fabulous, I seriously based my decision on whether to run again next year on whether she would be there or not. 

Ok, so I know I'm gushing a lot here but I seriously realized that without the other runners, this race wouldn't mean nearly as much to me.  I'm so looking forward to next year and spending time with the fabulous women that run this race.  I hope that I can meet up with those of you that I missed!  

Do you spend a lot of time meeting up with other runners?  Does it impact your race and experience like it has mine?  How about juggling family and runner stuff? 


  1. I actually was unable to meet up with any of the people I had thought that i would during princess. what a shame.

    1. That's too bad Amy! I thought of you when we were trying to figure out where the Sparkleskirts meetup was! There were so many people, I don't know how anyone finds the group meetup pics or individuals unless they have cell phones and a specific place to meet!

  2. I had a great time meeting up and running with you and everyone else I saw over the weekend! I had a great time with my family (Eli had a lot of firsts that weekend, so I'm really glad we brought him) but it is very hard to juggle family and race weekends! I'm still bummed that I missed the runnerslove meetup, but so glad I got to spend time with so many great runners including my new BRF! Now you just have to move to Florida! :)

    1. Haha! I wish! I think more like I just have to convince you to do the GSC again! ;) Think of the costume possibilities Twinkie!

  3. GREAT photos, what a fun weekend. I was bummed to miss the meetup, but only so much a gal can do on race weekend. The 2 races really cut into my social time LOL.

    1. Exactly why I think I would have to go without family next year to do the GSC. Just running and runner meetups all weekend! A true girls weekend, I can't wait! Now I just have to make sure all the people I want to meet are going to run it next year. ;)

  4. It was so great meeting you! I LOVE the pictures you took at #RunnersLove!! It was so much fun!!! I wish I could have made it to Epcot after the 1/2!!! Looks like a ton of fun, but traveling with family is hard!! Look for more from Meg and I coming up very soon!! #RunnersLove is expanding!! :)

    1. Yay for #runnerslove expanding!! I wish we could have spent more time together too, will you do GSC in 2015? I have more pics from the meetup that I didn't post here, not sure how to get them to you guys though? Should I just upload them to the #runnerslove FB page?

    2. Karen it was awesome meeting you and everyone else at the #runnerslove event. I really wish we had more time to really sit around and chat. I'm like you and kinda shy at first but after that I'm good... lol. I need more #runnerslove!!!!!!! Cannot wait for the next meet up and we will definitely be doing the #GSC again in 2015!

    3. Andi, I was so excited to meet you! I wish we could have sat around and chatted too. I'm so excited you will be there next year! I'm pretty sure I will be too!!

  5. What a great recap! Aren't runner friends the best? So sorry that we didn't get to hang out with you more after the meet up! Definitely next year!

    1. I'm just glad we got to meet Meranda. Next year for sure we will have to spend more time together!

  6. YOU FOUND THE ELUSIVE ED SHEERAN FAN!! SO EXCITED! I'm bummed I missed #Runnerslove but so happy that I got to spend some time with you :) I had a BLAST! I also look like such a dork dancing around in my Ears, but it's Disney! :) So glad Savannah survived our embarrassing antics ;)

    1. Yes! I totally hunted her down. She must have thought I was nuts when I tweeted her a week or so before the race saying I wanted to meet her for a picture! LOL. I think Savannah secretly loves it. ;)

  7. #runnerslove ftw!!! I loved meeting all of y'all- even as we ran out of the rain together! ;)

    1. I'll always remember our running in the rain fondly, Patty! ;)

  8. I hate I missed meeting you! The Runnerslove meetup sounds like it was a lot of fun. I agree that it is hard to balance family and fun runner things. Going back on mom duty as soon as the race was over made it hard to get to meet some of the great people I've met online in person! Hopefully we'll meet up next time!

    1. I know! I kept seeing we were in the same park too, it was killing me that we couldn't find a way to make it happen. Hopefully next time!

  9. Ok this seriously looks amazing!! I've never gotten to meet a bunch of my blogger friends at once before. I was so blessed to be able to meet Kim at Tink this year, but it was fairly quick since we just ran into each other at Disneyland and we were with different groups. I REALLY hope that I can meet up with y'all someday soon!! So glad you had a great time, Karen!

    PS - love that black sundress!

    1. It really was awesome, I think it totally changed my experience, especially as someone traveling with no other runners. I hope to meet you someday too Lauren! Are you sore today?!!? Congratulations!!!

    2. I was SO sore on Saturday, and some on Sunday. I have some kinks to work out with my foam roller still but at least I'm not walking like a penguin anymore now LOL!

  10. Congratulations Karen!!! Looks like you had an amazing time, right from the beginning!
    You know I've only met up with other runners or friends at a few races, but I've met a few gals at a few races and although we don't live near and only really have facebook and the occasional race. Over the years we have become great friends and I am so happy I took the time to meet up with them at the original races! Looks like you have some lasting friendships from your experience too!
    You look great in the Cinderella costume, huge congrats on your finish!!!

    1. Thanks Kristy! It really was an amazing race weekend. I'm just bummed that I'm now hooked on Disney runs and can't really afford them! LOL

  11. You are amazing! I had such a blast with you and wished we could have hung out longer. Damn naps. Thank you for letting me tag along through EPCOT! I'm so proud of you!!

    And the pictures you took are outstanding! I'm happy your camera ended up safe from the rain, because if it takes photos like that, it is a keeper! Now we just need to get you and Ace together to snap some candids! <3

    1. You are amazing too and I cannot wait to see you again! Ugh, I would love to take pictures of him, why do you have to live so far away???

  12. I'm so jealous of all the people you got to meet! I agree that it's so hard to balance a running trip and a family trip. At Tink and DL, I had plans to try and meet some fellow bloggers, but each time the plans fell through. It was only by chance that I recognized Lauren at Disneyland. So glad I got to meet her, but definitely thinking next time I'm going to block out time to meet people. Hopefully you someday! :)

    1. I really underestimated how much I would love meeting up with other runners. I consider myself pretty shy, but it really made my experience even more amazing to meet all these people that love running too.
