
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Squeaking in the weekly wrap-up!

I almost just put it off until tomorrow, but tomorrow will be busy so I better get it done!  First off, I got a new camera this week.  I know you are asking what this has to do with running and also why would I need a new camera?  Well, I cannot carry my DSLR for the Princess Half.  Trust me, I contemplated it b/c photos are so important to me...but my camera is huge and lugging it for 13.1 miles while I sweat all over it would be idiotic.  I'm sure no one has ever run with a dslr. LOL.  So, I got myself a little point and shoot. 

 I tested it out and I'm fairly impressed with the images I can get with it.  They need a little editing help, but I edit every shot I take, so it's something I would already do.  I can't get the bokeh I'm used to with my Nikon D90, but it will definitely be great for the race. I'm excited to take lots of pics!

It's got pretty good zoom ability too.

I admit I also practiced my Main Street castle shot.  I pretended the tree on the wall in the background was the castle.  Ignore the messy hair and pj top. I can't be the only insane person that thinks to practice these things, right?! LOL

The big news of the week though is that I ran TEN miles today!  Longest run to date, it took me 2 hours and 39 seconds. If you had told me I would run for 2 hours a year ago, I would tell you that you were nuts and my body couldn't sustain that long of a run without injury. 

The plan was for Dallas to run the last three miles with me but he wasn't feeling up to it and I admit, I panicked a bit.  I gave myself a nice little talking to on the way to the trail I was running on and Rey called and gave me a little pep-talk as well.  I'm going to have to run the race alone (well, with 20,000 other runner friends!) so I need to deal with training alone.

I did the run in different directions, out and back, so I could stop at the car for a GU and some water.  I ran 3, then 4, then 3.   The last 1.5 miles, my BFF dropped her daughter and Savannah off farther down the trail and they walked in my direction.  I passed them up and then after turning around, I caught up with them the last .5 miles.  It was great to have some support and something to distract me from the PAIN I was in.   Savannah kept running & walking ahead of me, it was amusing though b/c she had to hold her jeans up as she ran.  They kept falling down. LOL

The last mile was agony.  I took a couple walk breaks during the 10 miles, but it didn't really help with my knees, so in the end I just kept going, wanting it to be over.  Took a selfie with my running buddies when I finished!  

I cannot walk tonight without pain.  My right knee is killing me.  I've iced and taken probably too much Ibuprophen and Aleve.  It is a bit better than it was a couple hours ago, so I'm hoping I'll be ok tomorrow?  I have to work, which means being able to walk.  Ahem. 

Sooooo, talk to me about taping.  I have some KT tape, will it help to tape it up when I run long runs?  Has it helped you?  Would it help it NOW if I taped it or just during the run?  Is this just something I have to work through?  Will the pain go away the more long runs I get in?

I keep thinking the longer the run gets the more confident I will become but yet each time I am actually more worried that I'm going to be getting pushed around in a wheelchair after the race b/c I will end up injured.  I know worrying won't help, but will freaking out help cause that's kinda what I'm doing.  ;) 


  1. Congrats on the double digit run! That's a huge accomplishment! Your knees won't hurt as much as you get used to the mileage, but it doesn't completely go away, at least in my experience. I take tylenol; I've heard that ibuprofen isn't good for runners (the anti-inflammation drugs don't allow the muscles to recover?) As for the KT tape, you can definitely use it now and while you run. When I do use the tape, I don't run with it. It's just not comfortable for me. But that probably means I'm doing it wrong. :)

    1. Thanks Kim! I put some on last night and I think it really helped. I'm still hobbling around this morning but not with horrible pain like last night.

  2. Good call on getting the point and shoot camera. Carrying one of those really nice, but heavy, ones would definitely be a daunting task.

    Great job on your 10 miles this weekend!! That is a GREAT! I don't know much about KT Tape unfortunately, but I hear it's definitely an art in putting in on correctly. Do you have a running store that could help you out with it?

    1. Thanks Lauren! I do not have a running store, not even in 100 miles of here! I watched some youtube tutorials and think I got the hang of it. I put some on last night and it really helped!

  3. Congrats on doing such a long run! Right now that seems like something that is impossible for me.

    Love the camera. My hubby bought me a smaller point-and-shoot for Christmas so I can take it with me to Guatemala this year. I should start bringing it on my runs.

    1. Thanks Andrea! I didn't think it was possible either, but you'll see!

  4. One of my friends actually ran a half marathon in Atlanta with his DSLR!

    1. That is insane!!!!! I thought I was crazy to consider it. I sweat BUCKETS though, and I would ruin it, I'm sure of it.

  5. Congrats on the long run :) I ran 10 miles this week, too, as you saw, and chafed the mess out of my legs. It's seriously disgusting. I wore a knee brace for the PHM last year, but this year, I've been doing strength so I'm not sure I'm going to have to wear the brace. I have no experience with taping, but was the trail soft that you ran on? I see concrete in that last picture, so I'm guessing the path was paved the entire time. That's probably telling you what your knee will feel like after the race! I know that I was basically no help at all with this comment, so I'm going to end by saying CONGRATULATIONS again! I hope you're feeling better today!

    1. Yeah, it was paved. There were a few patches that still had ice and I had to be careful, but I don't think enough to warrant the knee pain I had. I wonder if I should get a brace? I am dying a little to think my knees will feel like that after the race, I seriously will have to have someone wheel me around Epcot...I could NOT walk last night! I'm going to try taping next run and see if it helps. and thanks Rachel!!

  6. Congrats on your 10 mile run! I did 10 miles last week and was exceptionally sore which I don"t understand because I have done 13.1 mile runs before and have not experienced that much pain. I'm gonna say it may have something to do with the cold? We seem to run at the same pace, so if you see me during the PHM i'd be happy to run with you!

    1. I'm definitely going to find a way to see you at the race! I'm excited to find out corrals, are you? I'm feeling a lot better this morning and even though still sore, at least I can walk today! :)

  7. WOW - way to go on the 10 (TEN!) mile run! I don't need to tell you how much of an accomplishment that is (but I'm going to anyway!). I'm really glad you posted about your point and shoot. This is something I've been wondering about for a while too. I'm going to have to look into getting a good one. Knee pain = no fun. I also experience knee pain (sometimes even on short runs) so I follow the RICE method - rest, ice, compress, elevate. I also use KT tape during my runs and I think it helps. If you search online you can find tutorial videos for how to apply. I will admit, it takes some getting used to, at least it did for me. I've also used a knee brace while running but I prefer the tape over a brace. I hope it's feeling better today!

    1. Thanks Jewell! Yep, I tried putting on a brace yesterday and it actually hurt when I bent my knee. It was pushing on the kneecap, so I guess I'm going to stick with the tape...haha...see what I did there? STICK with the TAPE?!! ;)

  8. Congratulations on 10 miles, Karen! Can you believe the race is so close? Can't wait! I love your castle practice picture, by the way...too cute! I have a D90 as well! :0)

    1. Thanks Karen! I'm a total dork, but I swear that castle pic is all I think about! LOL. Ahhh, another D90 owner! LOVE my camera, but I'm sure since you own one, you would agree that the expense is not worth taking it for a 13 mile-sweaty-run! LOL

  9. I love the castle practice! That is such a good idea. I confess I find myself reading about the best picture spots along the course!
    As far as your knee goes, take it easy between now and the race so you don't make it any worse! You can leave KT tape on for quite a while and I think they have a booth at the Expo, so you should be able to get them to tape you up for that trip (I think they'll do one body part, from what I remember from prior years race reports). I taped my foot for a while for my plantar fasciitis (using the youtube videos, which are good!) and it helped when I was running and during normal walking, so hopefully the tape will help your knee during the run and after. Good luck! - Jess

    1. Yep, I have contemplated who/what to stop for during the race so many times and I still don't know! I just know that photos are super important to me in general, so I know I will want many of the race! I found a tutorial and taped it and that helped. It's getting better, but slow going! Hopefully I will be able to run by the end of the week??

  10. Congratulations!!! If you can do 10 you can do 13.1! Where on your knee does it hurt, top, bottom, inside, outside? If it's anything but outside, strength training (when it feels better!) can help a lot. Squats and lunges and leg lifts, bike riding, anything to strengthen the quads and the little surrounding muscles. If it's the outside it could be ITBS, in which case the dreaded foam roller is supposedly a big help. Tape is great, I like rock tape better than KT, it's cuter (pink and purple argyle!) and it sticks better. Great job today, take it easy on that knee and let it get better!

    1. Everyone keeps telling me that if I can do 10, I can do 13, but each time I go up in mileage, I just LOSE confidence! I don't think I could have gone another 3, my knees hurt so bad. I've had some ITBS pain before and this hurt a little on the outside like that, but mostly around the knee/kneecap. It was visible swollen for a while, so I think it was just overuse and my knees not used to running for two hours. It's a bit better today, I've had it taped. It's slow going though, which worries me more but I'm trying to stay positive!
