
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Wide-angle Wednesday!  

Just two weeks from today, folks!  

 I hope it warms up some, I have an 8 mile long run Friday that I need to do outside and I'm stressing on running in the cold/snow/ice.  I think I will be fine if this snow and ice would melt.  I'm worried about the cold but more about slipping.

Do you run when there is snow/ice on the ground?  In the cold?  Best tips for cold weather running?  AND, can you believe it's just two weeks to Christmas?!?!? 


  1. Gorgeous Christmas tree :0)

    Good luck on your 8 milese this Friday - I hope the ice melts for you!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I am hoping it melts as well, I really need to run outside. Totally different muscles used vs the TM.

  2. Wait! Did you just change your header picture? I thought I was on the wrong blog for a moment! Great picture of your tree. Ok, I know Christmas is coming, but seeing it in print "2 weeks from today" has got me nervous. I still have so much to do!!!!
    I have ran in the snow before and on the trail part of my run it wasn't bad, but I admit that on one part of the road I had to take it easy because there was slush and a bit of ice. When I got to the bridge that I run on I mostly walked because I was worried about ice there too! Good luck! -M

    1. Thanks Meranda! No...I didn't change my header, is it still the castle for you? I mostly run on roads and sidewalks and none of them look clear yet, even though it's been almost a week since it snowed! I'm a real clutz, so I'm concerned I'll slip. Hoping for a little melting in the next 2 days!

  3. I don't mind running in the cold at all (I tend to be a hot, sweaty mess when I run, so I prefer the colder temperatures), but with snow and ice on the ground, you just have to be careful. I try to stick to running on main roads (against traffic) where everything is melted, and you may have to slow your pace down a little bit and pay closer attention to your footing. As long as you're careful, you'll be fine! It's still better than running on a dreadmill, IMHO! :)

    1. Yeah, cold isn't that big of a deal but the ice/snow/slippery conditions are another thing! Usually they melt within a day or two but this year it's colder or something and it JUST.WONT.MELT! Driving me nuts!

  4. Love the tree! I dont mind running in the cold either, but then again, here in Louisiana it doesn't get too terribly cold in the 2 months that we call it "winter". Just throw on layers and go! Plus, I think I'm faster in the cold. Of course, it could be that I just want to hurry up and get back inside! LOL

    1. Thanks! LOL...yep, I think I might run faster in the cold b/c I want it to be over with! ;)

  5. Love, love your tree! So beautiful!!! Becarful on the ice, two weeks away you don't want to slip and cause any strains or injuries. I don't have tips for running on the ice, other than stay off it:) But as for running outdoors in the cold, I find when the temps dip below 25, running with a bandana or something over my mouth so I am not breathing in the frigid air works best!

    1. Thanks Kristy! Cold is good, I get warmed up pretty fast, but this ice and snow on the ground is killing me. I need it to melt!

  6. Just found your blog and I love it! I just took my 2 year old and husband to Disney world this last summer. It was the best vacation! I look forward to reading more about your training. It's snowing a lot here in UT and there's lots of ice and freezing temps. I haven't braved the outside running yet ha I'm too afraid of slipping on ice.

    1. Hello! Welcome!!! I'm terrified of slipping! I can do cold, but not ice. I had another treadmill run this morning b/c we had freezing rain coming in.

  7. Wow, gorgeous tree! I love love love it! And I've never had the opportunity to run with snow on the ground, LOL!

  8. I can't believe how fast this December has flown by! I wish it would slow down just a bit...
    Beautiful pictures, btw! :0)
