
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Busy Bee

I'm going to ramble a bit this morning, you don't mind, right?  Anything is better than that pile of dishes I keep procrastinating, so I thought I would talk a bit about what's going on around here.  

I'm crazybusy.  Like overwhelmed in the brain kinda busy.  I'm swimming along and there are just enough hours in the day, but my brain is all over the place trying to keep up! Yesterday, we took a little hiatus to the St. Louis Zoo with a group of Savannah's girlfriends.  I was pleased to find out that they sell margaritas.  Yep, I found a way to get in lots of walking, social time for my daughter, fun with my own BFF, AND booze...all by 10am.  Don't hate me.  

 I don't talk a lot here about things other than running, but on top of training for a half marathon, I'm dealing with getting both my boys college admissions/financial stuff in order, homeschooling & the active social life of my thirteen year old, and running a business.  

My business is booming, I've had 4 new clients I've met with just in the last week, which is great.  I'm a petsitter, for those of you that did not know, and I adore my job.  I have built it all by myself and it's not only given me the freedom to homeschool my kids, but gotten us through many a rough patch financially.  It's also a 365 day a year job, and can get overwhelming.  I'm out the door by 6am most mornings and in and out all day long.  I'm on call and rarely have a day I can take off or get away, sometimes when I plan a day away I get a call the night before and have to cancel everything. 

It's a good overwhelming though, most of the time, and I'm swimming along feeling pretty grateful for all the busy stuff in my life. I get bored when I don't have a busy schedule.  Remind me of this after the weekend is over!  I have so many petsits that I may not even have time for my weekly wrap-up.  I know I won't have time for a run, and I definitely won't have time for the dishes.  I guess I better go get them done now.

Do you thrive on busy or not? 



  1. Congrats on getting more clients!! I so wish I could work for myself; it would be awesome!

    I love being busy, it makes me feel productive :) haha

    1. I usually like being busy, but after a while I complain and want a break...then I get one and I'm bored! LOL

  2. I need both busy and not busy- but you know that, lol! The margaritas were just the ticket for getting through a day at the zoo. ;)

    I hope you survive the crazy weekend. :)

    1. It's just a testament to our friendship that you not only put up with my margarita antics at 10am but you join in the fun...and let me drink your leftovers! ;)

  3. For the most part I thrive on busy - I have a very demanding job, grad school, and personal activities. It can be a lot at times. In fact, it's too much right now. But it will get better soon.

    Congrats on getting the new clients!

    1. Glad it's going to get better for you soon! Thanks! I'm ok with being busy but realized I'm so busy I'm not even replying to my readers! The weekend will be crazy but then it will let up a bit.

  4. I'm incredibly busy lately too... I'm about to crash and burn I feel like, but it's Thursday... so I have to take one for the team and rally ;) A little beer will make me feel a whole lot better :D

    1. LOL...oh yea, Thursdays are your Fridays! Hope you have a fun weekend Rachel!

  5. I like being busy, but being too busy gets old pretty quick! I know I'm at a point where I really need a break and things just got crazier at work! Glad you got a brief getaway, looks like fun!

    1. Thanks! I like being busy too, usually. When I'm not, I get bored easily!

  6. Sounds like a fun day at the zoo! ;) Congrats on the booming business! It's so great that you created something you love, but that you also get paid for! :) Busy can be hectic, but I always prefer it to being slow. Me and boredom do not mix well. ;)

  7. Congrats on more clients that is awesome!!!!! I am like you I thrive on busy! If I don't have a dozen things on my plate, I get bored and take up new hobbies:) Good luck keeping everything on track!

  8. Congrats -- sounds like you're doing really well! I'm a freelance writer, so I definitely know what you mean about having a whole lot to juggle at once...but I really do think I thrive on that kind of stress, so no complaints here! :-D

    1. I think I thrive on the stress too, but jeez, I sure do complain a lot about it! LOL

  9. Ahh, I wish you lived closer to me! I would definitely hire you as my pet sitter!

    1. Awww, thanks! Wish you lived closer too, I would love to!
