
Monday, October 28, 2013

Blogging Funk

I'm kind of in a blogging funk.  I feel like I really don't have a ton to say and I repeat myself a lot...which isn't really any different than how I am in person, so at least I'm being genuine, right? ;) 

I just feel like I am having trouble finding the time or words to type out the things going on in my head with my training.  It's all good stuff, but I just can't seem to put it into words.  I guess sometimes it feels like you have to be EPIC every time you post and really, that's just not how life is, right?   Last week's training was great, I got in all of my runs, including a 6.2 in 1:08:07 on the treadmill. 

 I'm ready for my 10K on Saturday and pretty excited!  I don't think Dallas is going to run with me though.  Boo. Hiss.  He is not the type to do a race just to finish, he wants to better his time and feels like he has not trained enough longer runs to do a 10K.  He knows he can finish, but doesn't feel like it would be a strong finish, so doesn't want to run.  I have to respect his decision, but it will be a bit lonely this weekend without him.

Other than that, work has been insane on the weekends and I wind up exhausted by Monday and Tuesday, when I have other things I need to get done and can't really slow down. This past weekend was beyond exhausting, I had two sick dogs I was watching and without going into TMI, let's just say it was a really MESSY weekend! I also had a photo shoot for a doggy charity event and that was fun.  Not too many doggie costume shots, but here are a couple of the cuties!

 This guy just had a rope/bell around his neck and they said he was a COW!  LOL


I feel great about my training at the moment and I'm starting to think about the little details of the race like if I'll have any company on the bus to the race (anyone else staying at POP for the PHM/GSC???) and costume details,  I'm just all over the place in my head.  Welcome to my reality! 


  1. its ok to not have anything monumental to say when you are blogging. just remember why you blog in the first place. its about you, right? and sometimes you are just you without being epic, right?

    1. Right! That's actually when I did the best blogging anyway, is when I was just focused on ME and my journey. I started this blog just so I would have a place to look at my progress. I prefer blogs like this, just personal journeys, so that's how I intend to keep it...even when things aren't very epic! LOL

  2. Even when you don't have much to say, your blog posts are still always fun to read! The hubs and I took our pups to a Howl-o-ween charity event this weekend - they had so much fun! Pretty much all the dogs were dressed up too!

    1. It was too cute, they had "bobbing for hot dogs"...that was a hoot! LOL

  3. I'm in a blogging funk lately, too, with both reading and writing. I've been so busy lately, I haven't had time!

    1. I think that's part of it for me too, I'm just so busy and when I get downtime, I don't feel like blogging.

  4. I'm totally in a blogging funk, too. I feel like I'm just saying the same things over and over. It's bad when I'm bored with my own blog, lol.

    I deferred my 2013 entry for the NYC marathon until 2014 and I'm planning a year long transformation as a runner as I really get in gear for the 2014 NYCM. Hopefully, that will shake my blogging funk. Before I was more RUN ALL THE RACES and now I'm actually trying to improve. Maybe you can change up your goals to help give you new blog topics? Just so you know, though, I still like reading your posts and looking through your pics!

    1. Thanks Jaime! I think it's mostly because I have been busy and to be honest, running isn't as "new" as it was (I laughed out loud at your RUN ALL THE RACES! comment. LOL) and so there's a lot less for me to explore/write about when it comes to it. I'm sure as some of my long runs get longer, I will have more to talk about and as the half marathon gets closer as well. I only have two races as of now (one being this upcoming weekend) before the PHM because I cannot find any in Jan or Feb in my area. Good thing b/c I still have a bit of RUN ALL THE RACES mentality! LOL

  5. Perhaps late October air bring blogging funks. November is coming. Hang on.

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one:) It's funny today I was thinking the same thing, so I decided to pass up on a post today and work on one instead for tomorrow. I can't wait until I can get back into running again, and have more to say:)
    On the plus side, you always have amazing pictures! Love the one of the dog that looks like a cow:) So cute!!!

    1. I can't wait for you to get back to running as well! I hope time flies for you! and Thank you!

  7. You'll have plenty to talk about as PHM gets closer and things get more exciting with long runs and planning (I won't be on your bus but I probably will be in your corral! I'll definitely find you and say hi!). When I feel like I'm in a blogging funk, I just remind myself that I'm actually doing it for myself more than anything else so as long as it feels like I'm getting something out of the process, it's worthwhile. If it is for you, then it doesn't really matter if it is interesting for anyone else, you know? You always have fun pictures so it is worthwhile for all of us anyway. :) - Jess

    1. Absolutely! We have to have a meetup in our corral! Definitely a good reminder b/c I did start the blog for myself, to keep a record, and not to educate people or anything! Thanks!

  8. Yesterday I blogged for the first time in a week or so. It was pretty nice to take a break and not worry about posting. Breaks can be a good thing! Refreshing! :)

    Cute pups!!

    1. Yep, I'm trying to make sure I stay updated but don't want to feel like I HAVE to blog when the words aren't there. Thanks!

  9. I think we all get into blogging funks now and then! That's when its good to step back and take a little time to refresh yourself :)

    1. I cannot imagine YOU ever get in a blogging funk. Seriously, your writing is SO good, I really enjoy reading everything you put in type! :)

  10. Hi Karen! I always find your blogs interesting. I love when people are just "being themselves". Sometimes that makes the best blog post!

    P.S If you really feel you have nothing to say, just post some pictures of puppies! You know we all love those!!!! ~M

    1. Thanks! Yep, my fallback is ALWAYS photos. No shortage of those, usually! LOL

  11. Oh no...sick doggies! I'm sorry, hope they are feeling better! Have a great race this weekend! :0) Love 10K's!

    1. They are better and their owner is home with them, so a huge sigh of relief there! 10K's are a test in self control for me. I have to stop myself from going all out in the beginning so that I can pace myself! I'm excited!
