
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wide-angle Wednesday

Is it actually Wednesday?  Today is a rest day for me.  I got in a good upper body workout yesterday and I did run around the indoor track in 1 flip flop and 1 running shoe.  I only did a mile or so, but it didn't hurt, so that's good news.  Obviously I'm not going to run a ton in a flip flop, but it's nice to know it can be done. 

Not only is it Wednesday, but it's September!  Ahhh!  I've been down about not running, but just looking through my fall photos perked me up, so I'm going to post a few more than normal.  I LOVE fall.  LOVE it.  The colors, the smells, the leaves falling, the wind, cool temps, bonfires, pumpkin everything, Halloween...  so you get a bunch of random fall stuff today just b/c it's cheering me up!  

  My Kitty!

 Savannah (in the Mickey shirt) and her BFF's


 Do you love fall too?  I'm headed into the city on Friday and there's a Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks just waiting for me.  ;)




  1. gorgeous photos, Karen! I like Fall, too. What beckons you to the city? We have Starbucks here in this western city too, you know...;) oh, and I was thinking it might be safer running barefoot than trying to keep a flipflop on your be careful!

    1. Thanks Lora! Savannah has a dentist appointment in St. Louis, so we're headed there and probably a pit-stop at the mall as well as Starbucks! I have considered running barefoot, but I don't want to aggravate my achilles (which happens when transitioning to barefoot running) because it's in such close quarters with the heel bursa.

  2. Gorgeous fall colors in your photos :) Even though it's still in the 90s/100s here in Houston, I am crossing my fingers that maybe Fall will sneak its way to us soon :) I can't wait to have a pumpkin spice latte from starbucks!!

    1. LOL, it's a bit of wishful thinking here too! We had a really unseasonably cool summer and now it's warming up as we head into fall.

  3. Gorgeous pictures! Love the fall leaves and flowers...makes for such beautiful photos! I do love Fall, but I love it even more when there's a chill in the air! :0)

    1. I'm READY for a chill in the air here too. It has been cooler in the mornings, but then heats back up into the 80s in the afternoon. It's teasing me!

  4. These photos are GORGEOUS! The only thing I miss about Fall is the leaves changing. I'm not ready for the cold (and by cold, I mean 60s-70s), but I'm excited for pumpkin :P

    1. Rachel, Rey always talks about moving to Florida (so I can be closer to The Mouse and the beach) but I just don't think I could give up fall! I would LOVE for winter to be in the 60s and 70s though! I'll be so jealous this winter when I'm out running in the ice and snow and you are still wearing shorts! LOL

  5. Great fall photos! I do love fall. One of the reasons I never want to leave the midwest - a lot of places don't have the seasons, and that would be miserable!

  6. Although I really don't want summer to end, I too do think fall is such a pretty time and your photos are just beautiful! I had to re read the first part of your post 2 times, I can't believe it is really September 4th. Really?

  7. I'm right there with ya on loving fall; it's my absolute favorite time of year! Great for running, football, hiking and photography. However, I'm not too fond of what follows; I live in Minnesota after all... ;)

  8. I always thought it was because I was born near Thanksgiving (my birthday is on Thanksgiving this year), but Fall is my very favorite time of year. I get excited when the halloween stuff starts showing up in the stores and although in Florida the weather won't cool off until mid to late October, the promise of brisk blustery days is a balm to my summer-weary soul.

    Also, you are hilarious for running even a mile in one shoe and one flip flop!
