
Monday, September 16, 2013

100th Blog Post!

I noticed this day drawing near and got nervous.  Here I am injured and my 100th post should be a happy post, full of excitement at how far I've come, right?  

First things first, my very first blog post back in March.  Oh yea, I have gotten to 100 already and I just started blogging in March. Motormouth.   I didn't even post a photo in that first blog post, I really had barely any clue what I was doing, just wanted to document my journey!  

My second post, I RUN, was actually my first real post, explaining my past experience with running and what got me started running again.  If you have oodles of time, check it out! 

It's bittersweet reading these posts and seeing myself talk about my struggles with injuries and to be injured again.  I wonder if I will just always have an injury?  The very very very good news this morning is that I RAN!!!  We headed to the gym this morning and I ran 30 minutes with no pain.  I took it at a slow pace and you will all be happy to know that I actually wore a SHOE and not a flip flop:

You will have to excuse the quality, when we got back I had Dallas take this pic and it was raining and dark.  I'm pointing at my shoe because I did some shoe "surgery" in order to make it possible to run with my shoe.  

So, I'm not in pain most of the time, but the problem has been when I slip the shoe on.  The back of the heel rubs right on my heel and it hurts.  Since I had an extra pair of shoes that I got for 35$, I decided to do something a bit drastic.  I found other runners online that did this, I didn't come up with it on my own.  
The supplies:

It was actually harder to cut the heel than I anticipated and I wish I had an exacto, but I didn't, so I just winged it.  I was going to cut more than this, but it felt low enough that it wouldn't bother me slipping it on, so I didn't try to cut more off.  The heel hurts lower than where I cut off, but apparently it's just putting the shoe on that irritates it.

I know, insane, right?  What a girl will do to be able to run! 

Since that's just terribly ugly, I got some duct tape.  I picked the pigs flying and thought it fit my theme...I'll quit running when PIGS FLY! ;) 

Taped it up and shoe surgery is done! 

I also put some inserts in the heel to raise my heel a little.  The research I have been doing seems to conclude that my minimal drop shoes (4mm Brooks Pure Flow) may be what caused the achilles bursitis.  I don't want to try and get new shoes right now since the injury is not totally better, so raising the heel a bit seemed like a good solution.  When I first started running this morning, I wasn't sure this was going to work, I was worried it was going to slip too much, but it was fine!  

I felt so alive running, I had a grin from ear to ear...except when I was crying b/c I was so overjoyed to be running and in no pain!  I was also really happy to see I had not lost all my stamina.   I've taken my Aleve and I'll be careful the next couple days since it's after the running that it swells and causes problems, but I'm ready to jump back into a modified training plan! (more on that next time) 

For now, I want to stop talking your ear off and just finish reflecting what all this means to me.  I could probably make a list of all the things I have learned in the last 100 posts, there are many.   When I was running this morning though, I was thinking of one thing again and again.  I think my biggest lesson is that this is a journey and I will take it as a runner.  I AM a runner, regardless of whether I'm running 20 miles in a week or 0.  It's a part of me and there are going to be many many bumps in the road along the way.  That's all they are though.  I have to take them for what they are, adjust, be patient, and KNOW that I will run again, I will race, I will train, and sometimes I'll be injured.  

I don't know what tomorrow will bring, I don't even know if I'll run Wednesday like planned, but for now that's my intention.  If I can't, then it's just another blip on my journey to learn from.  Either way, I'll do it as a runner, b/c that is what I am. 


  1. Wow - that's some shoe surgery! Glad your run went so well!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenn! I'm not sure I have seen your blog before...I'm off to read when I'm done with these replies! :)

  3. Wow, Glad you were able to come up with a solution that allows you to run pain free! You are brave to do that surgery on your shoe! I would have been afraid that I would have made a mistake and then would have ruined my perfectly good pair of shoes...haha! Glad it worked out for you. And congrats on your 100th post. We started blogging around the same time you did, I have to admit, it is tough work!

    1. Luckily I have FOUR pair! LOL. When they went to a new version of the Pure Flows, I got them really cheap, so I wasn't too upset about cutting them. I have three other pair I can wear when my heel totally heals! I'm so glad I started my blog, it's great to have it all written down and I go back and read sometimes.

  4. YAY! So happy that you're back running!! I saw your picture this morning and I had a big smile for you! That surgery looks intense but I'm so glad that it worked for you! Can't wait to hear what your new training plan is!

    1. Thanks Rachel!!! The new plan isn't what I would do if I could, but the main goal now is to cut down enough to heal completely but still train for the PHM! I'm a bit sore this afternoon, so it's not completely better, but at least I found a way to be able to run!

  5. So glad your run went well! I was thinking about you this morning and sending good vibes. I love the "When Pigs Fly" tape - absolutely perfect! - Jess

    1. Awww, thank you for thinking of me Jess!! That's really cool! I thought the Pigs Flying was pretty perfect! LOL

  6. Yay! I'm so happy you were able to run and I love your shoe surgery. I think anyone who does shoe surgery on running shoes automatically qualifies as "A Runner" for life! :) And congratulations on 100 posts! :)

  7. YAY!! So excited you were able to run without pain! I'll admit, the picture of Brooks and duct tape and scissors kind of scared me for a second...but it looks great and I'm glad you were able to make it work! Love the flying pigs, too!

    1. LOL...I kind of wish I hadn't done it, I'm able to run with regular shoes already, but I was just itching to run and didn't want to wait!

  8. Congrats on 100 posts AND running again! :) I don't know which one I'm more excited for! I love your flying pigs duct tape! I found some Mickey duct tape and almost did a little happy dance right there in the store. lol. :)

    1. Thanks Kim!!!! LOL...I might go a little nutty if I found Mickey duct tape!

  9. Congrats on your 100th post!! Time sure does fly doesn't it :) You have had such a great attitude with your injury and really show that 'where there's a will there's a way' with your shoe surgery! I am so happy that you can run without pain now!!

    1. Thank you Lauren! I'm glad it's getting better and I'm able to run short distances at least!

  10. Congratulations on your 100th post!

    I still have a hard time called myself a runner even though I've run nearly 20 half marathons in 3 years and one full. I always think of myself as a poser and everyone else as a runner. Lol.

    Love the piggy tape and best of luck with your injury!

  11. I have no idea how I missed this post so I apologize for being late to the party...but WOW! What an uplifting and motivating message, Karen! I love what you did to the shoes - if it works, right? And your outlook on the situation is truly inspiring. In this sport, injuries happen. But it's how we deal with and move on from those injuries that's important. It's runners like you that make me proud to be part of such a special sport. :)

    1. awww, thank you so much Jewell, that means a lot!
