
Friday, August 9, 2013

You Need Me, I Don't Need You...

WOOT!  Before I start a-rambling, let me just announce that I ran 8 miles this morning and I'm on cloud nine!  That is the farthest I have ever run and it felt fantastic.  I wore my new SparkleSkirt and it fit like a dream.  I'm going to have to buy stock or something because I can see my skirt collection growing.  Here's a pic of it from after my run when I was sitting on my driveway, trying to grasp that I just ran 8 miles straight. 

So, I don't know if I have shared this in my blog before, but about 3 years ago when I first started to take up running again, I had a bad experience.  I don't want to drag out the whole story, but basically, I was fairly overweight and running along with earbuds in, but turned down so I could hear.  Two grown men (at a bus stop with their children, no less) made fun of me as I ran by, calling me jiggly.  It hurt.  bad.  I cried and then I got angry.   It pushed me  once all was said and done, to show them that I could do this.

Fast forward to this morning, years later, and I'm running along when a car drives by with the windows open and they were laughing and saying something about me as they drove by.  My reaction?  I LAUGHED.  No, I really did.  I laughed at the ridiculousness of it and then smiled at the first thing that I thought. The first thing I thought was that I could bet any amount of money that they couldn't run 8 miles!  (I'm positive of this only b/c what runner would laugh and make fun of another runner?!? Wouldn't happen.) 

When I got to my last mile and started to pick up the pace, one of my favorite Ed Sheeran songs came on.  If you don't know who Ed Sheeran is, you are missing out.  This guy is a poet.  He writes all his own songs, no autotune, plays the guitar and when we saw him in concert, he blew us away.  He just came out on stage, nothing extra, and was this amazing ginger-haired guy with so much talent, it oozed from him.  Savannah says she's going to marry him and I gave my permission...even though she's just 12.  LOL.  Most of his songs are slow ballads, but this one is not and I love running to it.  This morning it took on a new meaning in that last mile.  I thought about how I wasn't bothered by the people in the car laughing at me b/c I honestly LOVE myself and I don't NEED their approval anymore.  I don't need them...but I think they may need me.
(to make themselves feel better) 

(Ed is only in the very end of the video, he usually only plays a small cameo in his videos)

I'm sure I'll be flying on this runner's high the rest of the day!  This is what succeeding at 8 miles and truly being proud of yourself and accomplishments looked like on me this morning:

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!  Anyone else plan to do a long run?  I know you DDD runners have some long runs coming up before you have to taper!  Have you ever found yourself empowered by something that previously crushed you?  Do you know who Ed Sheeran is? (I'm asking for Savannah who will be sorely disappointed in all of you if you don't!) LOL


  1. Congrats!!! 8 miles is a HUGE accomplishment! And you are spot on- those people feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better. I feel sorry for them. As for me, I've got my last long run before it's taper time! I'm hoping to go the full 13.1 miles, but my leg and hip have been bother me, so we'll see how it goes. Congrats again, Karen! :)

    1. Thanks Kim! Ooooh, one more run before taper!! I'm excited for you, I cannot wait to hear about it.

  2. Great job on those 8 miles girl! And that's awesome that you laughed at them and now realize how awesome you truly are! Of course I know who Ed Sheeran is...LOVE his music!!!

    1. He's so awesome! We love him and Savannah has all his songs on repeat when we're in the car. :)

  3. 1) i love that sparkle skirt and want to see the last photo posted to the ssp group on facebook in the fantasy album.

    2) you are badass having run 8 miles. I am so proud of you. please run some extra mileage for me this week as i am still laid up between my achilles, heel spurs and heart issues.

    3) I LOVE ed sherran

    4) the other night i was on my way to bridge repeats and when i got there (wearing a very loud running skirt) i heard two VERY overweight paramedics at a table outside laughing wondering if the skirt made me run faster. I didn't say anything at the time, but it really hurt. its been over a year since anything like this happened. I got home and realized that they were just jealous of my athletic ability and the confidence i have to wear such loud prints. that's on them. how i deal with it is on me.

    1. You are so awesome. I'm so so sorry you are still laid up. I know you'll be back out there soon! I'll post the pic to the ssp group in a bit! It really is THEIR ISSUE and I actually felt a little sorry for these people, how bad to you have to feel about yourself to make fun of someone who is doing something for themselves? I was really happy at my change in feelings about it, I feel like I truly don't care anymore what others think b/c I KNOW what I think about myself!

  4. Girl you look fabulous and I'm glad you didn't let them get you down! LOVE the colors of your skirt! So pretty!!

    1. Thanks Karen! It goes with nearly every shirt I have and it was perfect for my run! No riding up, no moving around...I think I found my new favorite!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! you rock! I'm glad you showed them! I live my life that way. I genuinely do not care what others think about me (unless they're close friends and family and if they have an issue, then I want to fix it) and it's made me happier than I ever have been. I only know a couple Ed Sheeran songs, but I really like "Lego House." It's so pretty!

    1. Thanks Rachel! Lego House is a great song, he has a lot of great less known songs that are really poetic and thoughtful. I'll let Savannah know you like Lego House. She'll approve. LOL

  6. I love that skirt, you look great! I truly don't understand why anyone would make negative comments towards/about anyone who is out running unless they have serious insecurities themselves. I am so glad that you were able to laugh about it AND that you can see how far you've come!

    1. Thank you! I don't understand it either but I definitely see it differently the more I feel different about myself! It really felt great to not really care about what others thought of me b/c I was so proud of myself.

  7. You look awesome, girl, and congrats on the 8 miles. You're doing more than those chumps in the car could ever attempt to. I'm glad you're not letting haters get you down. They're only going to fuel your fire in a positive way!

  8. AMAZING!! I love this story and how empowered you are because you definitely should be! 8 miles is a huge feat! Also, the fact that you did it in a super adorable skirt is just even better:)

    I don't know who Ed Sheeran is... Hopefully Savannah isn't too disappointed lol!

    1. are in trouble now Lauren! ;) Thanks, empowered is the best word for it and I'm loving it!

  9. Great job on the 8 miles and for being able to laugh when that car went by laughing..... I haven't got to the point where I can laugh at stuff like that yet.

    1. I was actually pretty surprised by my reaction b/c in the past I got so upset. I just saw it differently this time, and truly felt like what I'm doing is such an accomplishment, it's completely insane to laugh at it...doesn't even compute now!

  10. LOVE your skirt! You look awesome!

    That's a great attitude to have. I'm slowly adopting the same attitude. And you're right- no runner I've ever met, even the super fit and speedy, has ever said a discouraging word to any other runner that I've ever witnessed. Great job!

    1. Thanks Jamie! I love the skirt too, I'm already eying another! LOL.

  11. That sparkle skirt is awesome! Great job on completin 8 miles. WOOOO HOOO! I don't know if I would have had the same reaction as you this time around but I think its wonderful that you were able to not let it bother you. There will always be those kind of insensitive, insecure people who feel its ok to mask their own pain by making fun of others - nothing we can do about that 'cept feel sorry for them. Very inspiring :)

  12. GREAT job on running your first 8 miles!! It is always such a great feeling when you hit a mark where you have never gone before. And I just want to say that people SUCK! You rock now and you rocked then!

    1. Thanks Cassie! I was thinking...does it suck a little when you start to get up in miles so much that you've already done it, so it's not as rewarding? LOL...this is why there are 50 and 100 mile races, right? ;)

  13. I was shocked to read that some one actaully laughed at you! You are in great shape, athletic, and beautiful, and you're out there doing something! There is no excuse for their behavior. You are right, those folks are definitely NOT runners because runners would never treat eachother that way!
    I am also sorry to say I don't know who Ed is either but I will be looking him up!

    1. Aw thanks. I still have some weight on me and who knows, maybe they were just goading me b/c I was out there running and they weren't? Maybe they thought I was slow. Definitely not runners, I've never felt like any runner would discourage me, no matter how slow I was going!

  14. LOVE Ed Sheeran, he's awesome live! I too approve of this marriage :)

  15. Okay. First off. You seriously look fucking fabulous and I'm going to use that profane language because I am hoping it will push how strongly I feel about my point. You are gorgeous. Even when you were 'heavier' you were still gorgeous. Screw 'em. You don't need them. And you are right. They DO NEED YOU. I become infuriated when I hear or see any of that happening. There is no need.

    Secondly I am so proud of you too for making it to 8 miles. I remember that high. It's unstoppable. You are right on track for the PHM!!

    Sadly I do not know who Ed Sheeran is but I am guilty of listening to rap music so it's not that I don't like him, just never heard of him hahahaha

    Lastly. KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK. You being excited and breaking your own goals and expectations is honestly helping pull me out of my roller coaster funk. I'm so excited to be following along on this amazing journey of yours. <3

    1. You are the BEST Meg! (use all the profane language you want, I have a potty mouth regularly. LOL)

      Thanks so much for being such a fantastic cheerleader for me! <3

      You better go look up Ed or you'll be on Savannah's shitlist. (see!! LOL)

  16. LOVED reading this as so glad you can rise above the haters (and I personally think that people who make snide comments are the ones who are lacking happiness inside) and continue aceing your runs! I once got thrown water at when I was running (by some teenagers no less) and it shook my confidence, but to be honest I now think they would do it to anyone irrelevant to size/running style etc etc as they need to get a 'hit' by being plain nasty... PS err can I just say I wish I looked half as good as you when I finish an 8 miler!

    1. Thanks Lucy! I have to laugh b/c in pictures I think I look ok b/c you cannot tell I'm SOAKED! You know how some people have a sweat mark and look wet? Well, I sweat so much that the WHOLE SHIRT is soaked and therefor looks all one I'm not sweating! :p

  17. Oh sweetie...I love it. You were absolutely glowing and I'm so proud of your 8 miles! That is quite a feat and you should be very proud of that accomplishment. You have great things waiting in the future for you and you are right, you don't need them. They need us because even though they make fun, laugh and snicker at our expense, they are doing that to hide the envy for you and deep down feelings that they couldn't do what you are doing. Jealousy, it's a horrible thing and brings the worst out of people, but makes people like you shine when you can rise above it.
    Good for you and just keep running. You never know, you may inspire one of those people to get out and run. ;)
