
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wide-angle Wednesday

 Today Savannah is having a root canal.  My girl has a severe social phobia when it comes to strangers, doctors, or dentist and so we are having to drive two hours to a specialist that will sedate her completely while she gets this done.  She's been full of anxiety and fear about it for the last month while we've waited for the appointment and I cannot wait for this to be over so she doesn't have to feel this way anymore.  It is gut wrenching to see your child in pain and scared.  So, since it's all about my girl today, a couple photos of her.

at her favorite happy place

Last weekend at the Zoo

She loves doing makeup artist type stuff, she did this "comic book look" the other night, so I stole one of her shots to share. 

 Lastly, on the injury-front... I believe I have heel bursitis.  After spending some time reading about Achilles symptoms, I found info about an injury a bit lower on the heel than Achilles and it looks like all the symptoms match up with heel bursitis.  Normal R.I.C.E. suggestions and no running for a bit.  I suspect I won't be able to run the Superhero 5K next Saturday with Dallas and Savannah, but I'll cheer them on if I can't.  I just want to get healed up so I'm ok for Half training when I'm due to start.  I'm trying not to focus on the stamina I'm going to lose in the next week or two, taking a break and staying positive.  You may have to remind me of this in a week when I'm going nuts because I haven't run! ;)

Think a good thought for my girl today! 


  1. Oh, poor thing! These are great pictures (of a beautiful girl) and I will send up some good thoughts that she does great today!

  2. Oh no! Praying for Savannah that everything goes wonderfully at the dentist, and also for you that you can overcome this injury quickly!

    1. Thanks Lauren, I think the worst part is the waiting! Still 2 hours before we leave, 2 hours in driving, paperwork...

  3. Hope everything goes okay for Savannah. My middle DD Sarah has severe social phobia as well & we just spent a LONG week dealing with the return of first day of school anxiety (which was today). It is so very hard to watch your child hurt so badly and be so anxious & not be able to help them. Hoping for the best for Savannah & a return to normal quickly! (same goes for your foot!!!)

    1. Thanks Nicole. It actually gives me anxiety to see her so upset (apple doesn't fall far from the tree!) and then I have to hide it and pretend I'm fine so that she doesn't get more upset! It's awful.

  4. Good luck Savannah!! I'll be thinking about her (and you!) all day! Speedy recovery to you both!

  5. Good luck and hugs to Savannah! Beautiful pictures by the way!

  6. *Hugs* I'll be thinking about both of you today! Hang in there!

  7. That is so tough, for both of you! Everything will work out well though.

    As for the injury, keep resting it and doing the therapies that is prescribed for it. It's one of those things that has to heal on its own.

  8. I hope the dental work went ok and that you're both feeling a lot better now. It's awful when your babies are scared or hurt!

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  10. Thinking of both of you! Hope everything went well, and wishing you a speedy recovery!

  11. Ugh. Heel bursitis sucks. I had a bout of it last season. Definitely rest and ice. Works best to just rest back of heel on an ice pack while having it propped on the couch. Stretching and foam rolling work great for it, too. Foam rolling seems to work for everything!! If you caught it early enough, it should go away quickly!
