
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wrapping up the week

I figured I would do a wrap-up to force myself to be DONE for the week.  I have either run or biked every single day this week and I'm sore.  I must rest tomorrow, so this is my attempt at stating that I will be resting on Sunday and somebody knock me over the head if I don't! I know my limits and I am going to injure myself if I don't take a day off!  

Hold me to it.  Seriously.  Somebody may have to come over to my house and tie me down.  LOL.  

So this week: (Dallas did all these with me as well) 

Monday: started off the week with some speedwork on the treadmill.  3.1 in 30:50, which is a 9:57 average mile.  I was happy with that. 

Tuesday:  Dallas & I went biking and decided to hit some trails.  WOW hills!  10.15 miles but it took us an hour and 6 minutes b/c there were so many hills.  My legs were burnin!  (and we got swarmed by bugs.)  I kept telling him this just made us hardcore.  He didn't buy it.  LOL.  It was pretty though! 

Wednesday: We headed back to the gym on Wednesday, wanting to avoid the bugs and humidity after the previous ride and I did 4 miles on the TM.  My pace has picked up a bit for 4 miles, I did it in 41:48/10:27 mile pace. 

Thursday: Thought for sure I would rest on thursday but Dallas wanted to run again.  Who am I to say no???  We wanted to run outside, so we ran in the bigger town next to us, on the paved Acorn Trail.  3.1 in 34:00 but we walked nearly the last half mile b/c Dallas needed to.

Friday:  By Friday I had decided I might as well just go for it and we biked again.  This time we stuck to the roads, even if they are hilly, less bugs!  9.25 miles in 49:29

Saturday: Finally today, I was going to do a long run (10K) but I realized that after doing so much this week I might injure myself if I continued on like this.  The gym in our town does not open until 8am on Saturday (WAH?!?!?) so we decided to try a park in town we haven't run at before that has a nice .6 mile path around a lake.  5+ laps around was 3.1, so that's what we did.  

Fantastic run, we both wanted to push our 5K times a little b/c we have a race next Saturday.  We did it in 32:08 (10:21 pace) and I was really pleased with this b/c I could have pushed a bit more at the end.  Not sure if I'll do this well for the 5K because it's all hills, but I'm gonna PR!

I know, pretty boring stuff for the blog, but it is what it is!  That's what I have it for, to document what's going on.  I think sometime next week I'll do some kind of fun game/questionnaire.  That will perk things up around here!  Repeat after me:  TOMORROW.REST.  No riding, no working out!  Stretching only...and I'm going to need to do a lot of stretching because my muscles are super sore. 

How was your training this week?  Do you ever have weeks where you do so much you have to stop yourself from overdoing it or am I just crazy??


  1. Sounds like a great week! I'm terrible about being at a dead stop or in 6th gear. Moderation is hard for me, so when I have a goal I tend to over-do it. I'm trying hard to work on that myself. I make myself take at least one full rest day a week, but I think my almost 40-year old body really needs two...

    1. Yes! MODERATION! BALANCE! This is what I struggle with. AND, since I have been really ON IT the past few months but read a lot about people in a running-funk, I keep pushing b/c I'm worried that at some point I won't have the same drive that I have now. It's silly though b/c I'll burn out and it will be a self-fulfilling prophesy if I keep pushing so hard!

  2. Great job this week!! You definitely deserved those rest days!! What 5K are you doing Saturday?

    1. Thanks Lauren! It was HARD to rest yesterday! Dallas came in early in the morning asking if I "just wanted to do a bike ride" and it was hard to turn him down. I had a good run this morning though and I'm glad I rested yesterday. Saturday it's a small local race the winery in our town is doing. We're running from the winery out to the vineyard! I can't wait! (and yep, wearing a tutu again. LOL)

    2. That sounds awesome! Do you get wine afterwards?!

    3. Yes, wine and beer...BUT, I think they are for purchase. It's a small vineyard and this is for charity so I don't think they are going to just give us wine. It would be nice though!

  3. Wasn't remotely boring. Nothing you write is, Karen!!!!!!!!!! You do have to take days off and rest. Think about this way. You want to keep all your fitness and weight for LIFE. So could you keep up your schedule for life? Maybe you can. But it would take great obsession to do so! Think about it that way in order to embrace your days off. They are just as important. And you know one feels like a superwoman on the that first day back on. That's the feeling I love.

    1. You are totally right Lisa! (what's new?!?!?) ;)

      I'm resting today, forcing myself. We have a race tomorrow evening and it's going to be 90 degrees at 6:30pm when we run I'm savin' my energy!
