
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wide-angle Wednesday

Is it Wednesday again?  I received an honorable mention for this shot in a 2011 photography contest.  

It's called "Light Read"

The back of my leg/above my knee area still has a little niggle this morning.  I'm planning on some yoga and stretching and I'll cross train instead of run tomorrow if it's not better.  No sense in pushing myself and getting an injury with my 10K coming up!

Wide-angle Wednesday Reminder:  Please contact me if you want to use any of my photos.  I do not mind if people share/use them (love it, actually!)  but please ask first. Thanks! ~Karen


  1. Beautiful photo! I love yoga as a form of cross training and stretching. A coworker suggested Bikram yoga. Have you ever considered it?

    1. Kim, I haven't, but really only because I live in a really rural area and don't believe I could find a Bikram yoga class! My gym (there are only 3 in the whole area I live in) is the only gym that offers yoga, but it's just a regular class. It was nice the one time I did it, but I can do most of those things at home so I didn't feel like paying the money to keep going back.

  2. Good luck with your yoga! I hope your leg starts feeling better sometime soon!!

    1. Thanks Rachel, I did a lot of stretching and yoga this morning (along with some arm work...and my first attempt at planking...holy cow!) and after moving around a bit it's feeling ok. I'm super cautious of injuries b/c I was out for so long with one, so hopefully I caught this little strain early and it will be fine in the next couple days.

  3. You've got a great eye with that lens! Nicely done.

    Thinking about getting into yoga again, especially now that I'm getting into the higher distances again. Hopefully to help stave off any future injuries.
