
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sappy Haturday!

or Happy Saturday to those of you that don't speak nonsense as easily as I do!  

Thank you so much for the hugs, support, and love!  It's been rough at times and other times I seem to be adjusting pretty ok.  It's the little things that I miss the most.  When I come home, it's especially hard.  I'm in and out all day long petsitting and I had gotten quite used to Rey being here when I got home.  And the random hugs he gave me throughout the day...ok, and the laundry being done.  LOL!  Yep, he was doing quite a bit around the house, so I'm having to readjust to that!  We are talking constantly though and things are going well for him, he's already on a load to California, which in our world means Moolah!  Lots of miles equals lots of money, so that's a good thing.  

So, onto running!  This morning I had my longest run to date!  It's 2 weeks from my 10K, so I planned on a 7 mile run and then next week I'll taper a tiny bit and do 5 or 5.5 for my long run so my legs are "fresh" for the race.  I drove into the bigger town near us so that I could run the Acorn trail. I parked in the middle and  I did 1.75 out and back to the car, took a gel and a drink and then another 1.75 out and back the other way.  Worked perfectly for 7 miles! It's a really pretty trail as well, loved not having to worry about cars. 

I was really stiff starting out and my knees hurt a bit.  I'm unsure if this is normal soreness from my legs getting stronger,  improper fueling, beginnings of clue.  I just knew that I was going to do these miles and I would take it slow if needed.  So I did.  

I didn't really feel warmed up until close to 3 miles.  I was back at the car around 3.35, so I took a GU gel right before getting to the car, chugged some water, took off my jacket and headed the other direction. 

The discomfort in my knees never really went away but it wasn't painful, so I kept going.  I had to go a bit farther to make sure I was going to be at 7 miles when I got back.  When I hit 10K I was at 1:07:01, which is about 24 seconds slower than the last time I timed my 6.2 but I'm totally ok with that, I'm still learning pacing and sometimes I go way faster or way slower during my runs.  Naturally when I hit 6.2 I felt like I could just keep going forever.  LOL.  I have no idea why I'm like this, but the last mile is when I feel like I could keep going, but it's only b/c I KNOW I don't have to!  I need to find a way to trick myself into thinking I'm nearly done all the time. ;)

Fantastic albeit hard run, I feel pretty pleased with myself for pushing through!  Oh and I even saw alpacas on the run, snapped a quick picture.  Naturally I took a sweaty/finish picture...don't let this shot fool you, I was dripping but had just wiped my face. 

I hope everyone has a lovely holiday weekend, I'll be working for most of it since a lot of my clients go out of town for holidays.

Questions, as always! 

Do you hurt when you run?  Have you identified what it is that is causing it?  Can you tell the difference between an injury or just soreness?  

What are you plans for the long weekend?  Anything special? 


  1. I just got back from a 3 mile run. It wasn't my PB mile wise, but it was time wise- with a 10:56 avg. pace (I'm usually at 12-12:45). I def. felt it in my ankles and the reasons is three fold I think... a) Still getting used to running 'correctly' in my new shoes b) I ran on concrete c) I didn't wear my compression socks to give my ankles more support.

    Weekend plans are to recover from the "Wicked" theme party I threw for my eldest's 11th birthday. I went all pinterest crazy!!! :)

    1. Ahhh! Wicked party! I must see photographic evidence and lots of it! Sounds like a blast. It's funny how different people have different areas of hurt. Mine is my knees. I've never had ankle issues, but I do normally wear compression socks b/c I did have calf issues for a while.

  2. Congratulations on your farthest run! What a great time! Do you use tape, like KT Tape? That might help with any trouble areas. My knees get like Tin-Man like and taping before helps. I can always send you some if you can't find it where you are :) You're going to do great in your 10k I have such a good feeling about it!!

    1. Meg, you are the sweetest! I have never tried KT tape, but I'm reading up on it, it might be something I would consider trying. I know there is conflicting info on it, but it looks like people have had some success with taping their knees. Huh! I hope you are right about my 10K, I feel like I have prepared and trained properly and I'm just ready now! This is going to be a slow two weeks! I still cannot decide what to wear either! LOL

    2. I haven't heard too much about the conflicting stuff on it but I will tell you it saved my knees big time for races. And I KNOW I'm right about your 10k :)

      Oh, oh! and where something that makes you feel unstoppable for your outfit.

    3. I'll have to try it! Thanks Meg!

  3. Great job on your run, way to push through! Hope your knees feel better! :0)

    1. Thanks Karen! Feeling pretty much better this morning, we'll see how my run goes!

  4. Congrats on your longest run! (My 10k time is only seconds off from yours!)
    When my knees get stiff and I get a dull kind of aching pain, it's generally because I haven't stretched or warmed up enough. If it gets really bad, I stop running. If it stops hurting, then I figure it has to do with my running, rather than an injury. I hope that made sense. :)

    1. Totally makes sense! I am so injury prone that I get worried at every little ache, I think. I'm also an extremist and keep pushing myself more and more sometimes and have to pull back and slow down b/c I will hurt myself.

  5. Looks like a lovely route! Just read your post about Rey too (big hug, I can't imagine how hard that must be!) but running is a wonderful thing to help distract ourselves and help soothe ourselves :) As for the injuries question - I once got achilles tendonitis which did put me back a few weeks, but also got shin splints which went away quite quickly. With the latter, I felt the discomfort with runs but when I got home it didn't bother me, but with my achilles, they were even sore with rest. That's when I knew I had to go on a break. Good luck with the rest of your training!

    1. Thanks Lucy! Still adjusting, but the running helps a LOT! I am trying to slow down just a bit so my body can catch up with my mind. It's funny, they say that running is mental, but my mind is READY to push me, my body is a bit slower on the uptake and if I push too hard, I hurt myself.

  6. If you find a way to trick your mind let me know, because I am the same way lol!

    Congrats on your run as well, can't wait to read about your 10K coming up!

    1. I'm so excited...freaked...nervous...about the race! It's all I think about sometimes! LOL.

  7. I tend to be the same way in feeling like i could keep going all day when i know i dont have to.... let me know if you find a way to feel like that all the time!

    1. I'll let you know, but I'm guessing aside from tricking myself into thinking I'm nearly done all the time, I won't find a solution either! LOL
