
Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday ride

I had this whole blog post in my head about this change that is happening to me from running, but it's just going to have to wait until a rainy day.  Today was too gorgeous not to get out there.  Rey and I decided to go for a bike ride, he even posed for a picture!

Yep, this is my life.

Actually, he did oblige and actually smiled in one of them!  That is a rare thing.  I haven't shared much about my partner in crime for the last 22 years.  He's my best friend and confidant and my biggest cheerleader.   I suspect he would put on a cheerleader costume if I asked him to.  It was a gorgeous day for a ride and I wanted to show him the wooded trail that Dallas and I found last year.

First we had some business!  This weekend is the St. James Sip-n-Savor.  This is the end-all-be-all in my little town.  What isn't perfect about tasting tons of wines and beer?   Seriously,  this really is the only event my town of 4000 throws annually that I can get on board with.  It's the one time of year I can walk into town and feel like I'm transported somewhere NOT in the middle of nowhere.  We literally walk up there (that's how close I live to Main Street) ...makes it easier to stumble walk back home afterwards!  Lots of wine to taste. 

The point is, I had to go pick up my ticket!  So first we rode up to the Chamber of Commerce to get my golden ticket for wine!

After getting my ticket, we headed towards the trail that I wanted to show Rey.  It's a fantastic trail, but some of it is gravel, it is VERY hilly, and in the end you have to climb this 1-2 mile stretch of road to get back up to near where we live.   I really can drag a post out, can't I?  It's ok, I'm feeling a little nervous about this post since all these awesome people liked my page yesterday.  I'm feeling a little blog-pressure to perform!  LOL

It was just as beautiful as I remember it, I think I'm ready to run it!   I have avoided it because all the way round trip, including huge hills, it's about 8 miles.  I do think I could run part of it and turn around though.  I said to Rey,  "It feels like we are in the middle of the woods!  I love this!" and he replied, "That's because we ARE in the middle of the woods."  LOL.   They really did just make a path through the woods.  It's so beautiful.

When we got to the end of the path, you are dumped in a valley where you are forced to turn around and go back up or go straight and go up a road.  Either way, it's massively hilly, so my legs are properly cross trained today!  A few pictures of the scenery and PART of the hill, looking down.

Shew!  We had to walk the bikes a couple times.  Rey told me to go ahead at one point but I wasn't going to leave him.  The great thing is that now he thinks I'm some sort of cardio-goddess...and that can never be a bad thing for your husband to think, right? ;)

It was a fantastic ride and so nice to spend time together in the sunshine! I am normally thinking about running the whole time when I cross train, but today I really just enjoyed biking.  It was nice!

 I promise that my deep thoughts on how running is changing me on the inside will be coming soon.

Do you like cross training?  What's your favorite cross training activity? 


  1. Definitely biking is my favorite physical activity, period! I was a cyclist long before I was a runner. Great blog, good to see pics of him. :-)

    1. You are a biking-goddess Lora! Your mileage always blows me away. I really enjoyed it when I was injured, it was one of the only things I could do, but running is my first love!

  2. I'm really bad at cross training. :/ But my favorite so far is yoga. I normally stick to the same simple moves, but I love that it doubles as stretching. :)

    1. Kim, I love yoga, but I only do a few moves as well and they double as stretching! I LOVE downward dog, I think I do it at least a couple times a day just to stretch!

  3. Right now the only cross training I do is core/glute strength Jillian Michaels DVD's lol! Definitely not as fun as trail bike riding :)

    1. I'm afraid to even consider a Jillian dvd! It looks so hardcore! LOL

    2. Yeah when I bought them I saw she starts her workouts at a level 1, and I think I've been doing them for like 3 weeks now, and I'm still on level 1 and yes, it is still kicking my butt (I will say that I can definitely feel myself getting stronger though)!

  4. If I had a bike I'd do that for cross training (if I want to ride, I have to go to the gym to use the stationary bike). I love yoga, but I'm too self-conscious to take a class so I do a yoga DVD at home instead. I also do strength training with free weights and use the free exercise videos at
