
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

LOVIN' Bloglovin'

I'm really new to this blogging thing, in fact, in the beginning, I was confused as to even how to follow blogs.  There were different following buttons on each blog and many used different sites to subscribe with.  I started to bookmark them all but then checking each one all the time to see if it had been updated was tedious. 

Somewhere along the way I saw someone mention Bloglovin' as a new way to follow your blogs and I was immediately in love!  I can find ANY blog here, no matter what the web address, and if it does not already have it listed, it will just take the URL and add it for you.  Now I just go to Bloglovin' and my main page has ALL the blogs I follow listed.

The main page shows me (in order of recent posts) all of the blogs and new updates I haven't read.  Once I read them they show that they have been read. 

Love love love Bloglovin'!  This makes it really easy for me and I never miss updates on my favorites.  I thought I would post about it in case other people aren't aware and might find it a useful site!

Now to running!  

Today's run was a "short" run, which I'm still marveling at 3-4 miles being my short easy run!  How did that happen?  Regardless, Dallas & I headed to the gym to use the treadmills.  For the first time EVER, they were full???  We decided to just run the indoor track, which is .10 miles around.  That's a lot of circling and for the first mile and a half I kept eying the treadmills, waiting for people to get off.   But, something happened around 2 miles, I "Settled into it" and started to enjoy this departure from the norm.  

It was FUN!  Dallas is faster than me and he took off at one point (he said he had a good song come on) and I took off after him.  I was grinning from ear to ear trying to keep up with him, it was fantastic!  The last .10 we raced around the track, laughing and sprinting to finish up our 4 miles.  I LOVED IT.  It's so wonderful to share this love of running with my son.  I should have taken a picture today, but I didn't.  Here's a shot from last year before our 5K, me and my running partner.

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