
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Glass Slipper Challenge, here I come!!

Well, hello faithful readers!  I know I have been absent, I kind of lost the blogging-itch.  I'm ok with it, the purpose of this blog was to document my journey to train for my first half marathon and I did just that.  I am still running but I find that blogging about it just doesn't call to me much anymore.  It's part of my life and I don't really have to write about it, if that makes sense.  Maybe I'll have more to blog about as I start training for the Glass Slipper Challenge!!

I had to come back to at least post about getting registered today.  I mean, kind of my blog namesake in a way.  I registered this morning and will be headed to my happy place next February to run the Enchanted 10K and Princess 1/2 Marathon back-to-back!  I'm so excited!!!

I needed this too.  Lately I feel like I'm just going through the motions.  I run 10-15 miles a week but without something specific to train for I was feeling a bit blah about my running. I have a couple 10K's in the fall but nothing going on this summer.  This morning I went out with my PHM shirt on and got 5 miles done with my furry running companion, Normie.  It was a great run and it's been a while since I've had a run that left me feeling great the rest of the day. It could have also been the 55 degree weather.  It was gorgeous! 

 I'm pretty excited to have something to train for this fall.  I'll be headed down to Princess weekend with a girlfriend and meeting up with a bunch of other women for running, cupcakes, and drinks! I'm not sure if I'm more excited about a girl's weekend or the challenge!   I'm sure you are not surprised that I have my costumes for both races already.  I'm not revealing yet though.  ;) 

The 10K course will be new to me since I didn't do it this year.  I'm doing a joint-costume with a friend and we plan to stop for MANY photos!
 and I will be headed home with THREE medals in 2015, I'm excited to see what they will look like.  
These are the 2014 medals:

and last, but not least, you knew I had to do a kitty update, right?  Elsa is 11 weeks old and a pistol!  Crazy energy, but we adore her.  She loves our other two cats more than us though, naturally.

I know many bloggers that are passing on the PHM/GSC this year, who out there is doing it?  Did you have trouble this morning?  I got the link about 3 minutes before 11am and was in and finished pretty quickly before the site was bogged down but I know many friends had trouble and it took them well over an hour with many errors.  Hope everyone got in that wanted to!